The Holy Post

What does it mean to be pro-life? Drawing from the words of Jesus, the Apostles, and the early church, Shane Claiborne says most American Christians have gotten it wrong. His new book, “Rethinking Life: Embracing the Sacredness of Every Person,” argues for the value of the unborn, but also for combating poverty, racism, and other dehumanizing evils. He talks with Skye about how the early church’s consistent ethic of life changed once it gained political power. It’s one thing for a tiny church on the margins of society to apply the teachings of Jesus, but how do we apply his words when Christians have control of governments and armies? Skye is joined after the interview by Christian Taylor and Phil Vischer to debrief Claiborne’s challenging ideas.


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0:00 - Sponsor World Relief

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0:46-  Intro


3:16 - Shane Claiborne


Tyre Nichols and policing


13:55 Rethinking Life


28:24 Ethics and power


33:49 Abortion


48:30 Phil, Skye, Christian debrief


1:07:03 End Credits


Other resources:


Rethinking Life: Embracing the Sacredness of Every Person by Shane Claiborne -


The Irresistible Revolution, Updated and Expanded: Living as an Ordinary Radical by Shane Claiborne -


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