The Holy Post

Tyler Huckabee, senior editor for Relevant, joins the Holy Post crew to defend his recent article about VeggieTales. Did Phil’s mom trick him into creating vegetable characters who are beyond God’s salvation? Then, over 1,000 Cru staff members say the parachurch ministry’s focus on diversity and racism has resulted in mission drift. Are they right or is it another example of paranoia over CRT? Then, Christian college president D. Michael Lindsay shares about his new book “Hinge Moments: Making the Most of Life’s Transitions,” and the unexpected changes in his own life. Have we misunderstood what it means to follow God’s will, and what can we learn from the best leaders about how to change directions? All that, plus Skye’s cramped cross-country road trip.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:32am CDT

Calvin University history professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez joins Skye Jethani (co-host of The Holy Post) to discuss her bestselling book, “Jesus & John Wayne.” In this episode, they discuss how the Cold War shaped and defined American evangelicalism, how it differed from earlier 19th-century evangelicalism, and the lingering effects of the Cold War on the way many white evangelicals still think about culture, politics, and gender.

Part 1 - Revivalism and the Military (2:23)
Part 2 - Billy Graham and the Bomb (16:34)
Part 3 - Civil Rights and Vietnam (30:48)
Part 4 - From Cold War to Culture War (45:08)

Jesus & John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation:


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Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CDT

With Skye out of town, Phil invites “hardest working man in evangelicalism” Ed Stetzer to sit in and discuss what went down in Nashville last week when 17,000 Southern Baptists all got in one room. What does it mean for Southern Baptists? What does it mean for evangelicalism? And does the mainstream media know the difference between the two?

There were also two very interesting court rulings that came down last week with implications for religious liberty in America. So conservative columnist and civil liberties attorney David French stops by to talk through free-speech cake baking and foster care, and to answer the question - what do we do when defending our own rights pits us against the neighbors we are called to love?

Plus... a farmer settles a property line dispute with a neighbor in a, shall we say, odorous way.


Direct download: HP462_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40pm CDT

Violent crime, including mass shootings, are way up. On average over 300 people are shot everyday in America. In 2013, one of them was Taylor Schumann. She talks with Kaitlyn Schiess about her new book, “When Thoughts and Prayers Aren’t Enough,” and the side of gun violence most of us forget—the survivors. Also this week, the Southern Baptists are meeting in Nashville where, according to the mainstream media, the entire fate of evangelicalism will be decided. Are they right? Plus, Relevant Magazine wonders if Phil’s mom gave him sound advice about VeggieTales, or was she playing 3-dimensional chess to mess with her son’s theology. And, why a lobster diver will be the illustration in every sermon this Sunday.

Direct download: HP461.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am CDT

We are bombarded by more news than ever before, and many of us can no longer differentiate what’s real from what’s fake, or what’s important from what’s trivial. Jeffrey Bilbro, author of “Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News,” offers wisdom about what it means to engage the media as a Christian, why the first step may be a deeper engagement with our local church, and the value of cultivating a “holy apathy” about current events.
Also this week, Phil, Skye, and Christian respond to listener emails. Did Skye contradict one of his own sermons on a recent podcast? And what happened to the pipeline that used to carry kids in the church from birth all the way through college? Phil says it has completely blown up, but is that good or bad? And what does it mean for Christian parents? Plus, Jason is addicted to cinnamon rolls, and the magical musical armor of fireflies.
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Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am CDT

It’s been 100 years since the Tulsa Massacre—a dark moment in American history most Americans know nothing about. Which makes Phil, Skye, and Christian wonder, what else don’t we know? Wheaton College has removed the word “savages” from a plaque honoring martyred missionaries. Was the move a result of political correctness or just common decency? Then, Phil’s recent tweet about racism and anti-racism went viral, leading him to ask—when did evangelicals become more committed to preserving the world rather than changing it? Plus, the tables get turned when Skye gets interviewed by Kaitlyn about his newest book “What if Jesus was serious about prayer?” He explains why being a “radical” Christian isn’t what you think, and how prayer is way bigger than just talking to God. Plus, lonely Japanese eels are looking for attention on the internet.

Direct download: HP459.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm CDT