The Holy Post

During the Cold War, conservatives prided themselves for their opposition to the Soviet Union and totalitarianism and blasted those who wavered as “un-American.” In the current crisis in Ukraine, however, we have seen some conservatives defending Putin and Russia. What happened? David French tries to explain why some Republicans and evangelicals foolishly see Putin as a hero and defender of Christendom. Then he discusses his recent article about the rise of Christian Nationalism. Why is it so appealing among independent, Pentecostal churches, how is it spreading beyond those circles, and why are educated, elite Christian leaders reluctant to speak up about it?

0:00 - Intro 
3:01 - Crisis in Ukraine“Burning Straw Men by the Bushel”-

Putin’s February 21 address -

We’re All Ukrainians Now” -

31:13 - Rise of Christian nationalism“The Seeds of Political Violence Are Being Sown in Church” -

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Why do black seminarians graduate with a lot more student debt than whites, and what does it mean for churches? A recent Gospel Coalition article by Alisa Childers argues that the word “deconstruction” is universally bad and should not be redeemed. Is she right or is it another example of Christians overreacting to a complicated issue?

Then Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn take Childers’ online quiz to determine whether they are progressive Christians. Anglican priest and author Tish Harrison Warren talks to Skye about her controversial New York Times column saying it’s time to end online streaming worship services, and she argues that the pro-choice movement is hypocritical for not making the choice to keep a child easier. Plus, Phil shares his hard won wisdom about what not to post on Twitter.

News Segment

0:00 Intro
3:56 - Trucker protests in Canada
6:55 - COVID death rate graph

14:42 - Black seminarians graduating with more debt

Glenn Packiam interview:

26:43 - Deconstruction

Interview with Tish Harrison Warren

“The Systemic Realities Created by Legal Abortion” article -

“Why Churches Should Drop Their Online Services” article -

49:41 - Guest intro
51:40 - Abortion and a broken system
55:50 - Feminism and abortion
1:00:23 - Online worship services
1:01:42 - Importance of embodied worship
1:06:04 - Technology in community
1:18:25 - Pushback from people unable to attend services
1:29:37 - End

Other Links/Resources:
“Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life” book -

Patreon Bonus Segments:
Full abortion conversation with Tish Harrison Warren -
Bonus news story -

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

A scary number of Americans now say violence may be necessary to fix the country. A new report looks at what combination of beliefs cause a person to endorse political violence, and why it’s more common on the right. Then, in response to last week’s interview, Phil unpacks how our modern belief in human goodness explains the rise in authoritarianism and populism. And, why are U.S. Christians supporting the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada? A recent study from Barna found more than one-third of pastors have seriously considered leaving ministry in the last year. What’s behind this crisis? Is the problem our culture, church members, how we’ve structured ministry, or is it pastors themselves? Skye talks to Glenn Packiam about his new book, “The Resilient Pastor,” and why it’s time to reexamine our assumptions about the church and its leadership. Plus, scientists create an artificial fish powered by love.

News Segment

0:00 - Intro/updates from the crew
4:44 - Valentine’s Day
6:39 - Animal News

13:08 - Recap: Last week’s interview with Robert Tracy McKenzie

18:08 - Study: Moral divisions and authoritarian leaders

36:36 - Beliefs leading to endorsement of political violence
David French piece:

50:53 - News segment wrap-up

53:04 - Faithful Counseling

Interview with Glenn Packiam“The Resilient Pastor” -

54:17 - Interview intro
56:19 - “Pastor” definition and recent Barna stats
1:00:07 - Glenn Packiam’s story/pilgrimage
1:04:02 - Tension in how pastors spend their time
1:13:44 - Authority
1:21:10 - Slowing down
1:28:10 - What’s next?

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Should churches stop live-streaming their services and return to in-person worship? A recent editorial by Tish Harrison Warren has gotten a lot of negative reactions from chronically ill and disabled people who value online worship. What does the debate say about our theology of the church? ABC has suspended Whoopi Goldberg for her comments about race and the Holocaust. Is Judaism a race, a religion, an ethnicity, or something else?


Some Christians are praising Stephen Colbert for talking about how his faith informs his comedy on his talk show, while others are criticizing him for not explicitly sharing the gospel. Who’s right? And David Brooks’ recent NY Times article about the evangelical leaders trying to save their movement makes the Holy Post crew ask—When do we try to fix a ministry and when do we leave it? Then, Skye talks to history professor Robert Tracy McKenzie about his new book “We the Fallen People” about what the Founders really believed about democracy and the virtue of the American people. He explains how Americans lost the Founders’ belief in human depravity and exchanged it for a false gospel that affirms the inherent goodness of people and democracy, and how that explains the challenges we are now experiencing in our politics.

News Segment:
0:00 - Intro
4:29 - Should churches stop live-streaming services?
Skye’s video, “Why You’re Sick of Church” -
16:52 - Whoopi Goldberg’s comments on race and the Holocaust
26:01 - Stephen Colbert on faith and comedy
36:47 - Institutions - when to fix and when to leave
Interview with Robert Tracy McKenzie:
“We the Fallen People: The Founders and the Future of American Democracy” -
Patreon Bonus Interview -
56:04 - Interview Start
57:57 - “Democratic gospel” definition
1:02:02 - Founders’ beliefs about democracy and human nature
1:12:46 - “The Great Reversal”
1:20:21 - Jackson and unchecked democracy
1:23:22 - Christianity and partisanship
1:26:03 - Imperial presidency concerns
1:30:08 - End
The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Direct download: HP495_F1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Jerry Falwell Jr. is doing damage control following his profile in Vanity Fair (discussed at length in last month’s French Friday episode). He’s even posted a statement of faith affirming his Christian beliefs. But does that make his behavior better or worse? And how does populism explain his criticism of “religious elites” while enjoying all the benefits of being a religious elite? Is Falwell the victim of nepotism, and should ministry be a family business? Then, a researcher argues that a toxic reaction to the Religious Right can explain a bunch of cultural, political, and religious trends—including the rise of the “nones” and unchecked conspiracy theories. And data suggests Democrats project their moral belief onto their candidates, while Republicans adopt the moral beliefs of their candidates. Then, Skye talks to Dan Kimball about his book and video series, How Not to Read the Bible, about why it’s critical for churches to welcome questions and doubts, and how the biblical ignorance of leaders is driving young people to find answers outside the church.

News Segment
0:00 - Intro and updates from the crew
8:22 - Falwell fallout

January French Friday episode:

25:39 - Article: “The backlash against rightwing evangelicals is reshaping American politics and faith”

44:10 - Study on political candidates and moral beliefs

51:40 - Faithful Counseling:

Interview with Dan Kimball
52:53 - Interview start and intro
55:41 - Personal stories that led to the book/series
1:02:04 - Church as a factor
1:05:02 - Broader culture as a factor
1:15:24 - Personal conversion story
1:21:16 - Exclusivity issue
1:31:19 - End

Resources mentioned:

“How (Not) to Read the Bible: Making Sense of the Anti-women, Anti-science, Pro-violence, Pro-slavery and Other Crazy-Sounding Parts of Scripture” -

“How (Not) to Read the Bible” Study Guide plus Streaming Video -

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Direct download: HP494_F.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST