The Holy Post

Christianity teaches that Jesus took our sins upon himself and endured the punishment of death we deserve. Some critics of that view, however, claim a God who pours out his wrath upon his innocent Son is a moral monster. Friend of the show, Mike Erre, is back to set the record straight and explains what the “divine child abuse” critique of the cross gets wrong. Also this week, Christian and Skye try to explain anti-semitism to Phil, new research says evangelicals don’t have diverse friends but teenagers do, and witchcraft is on the rise among millennials. Thanks, Harry Potter. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm CST

Since the 2016 election the statistic that a record-breaking 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump has been widely cited. But is it correct? Katelyn Beaty is back to unpack new research done by Lifeway and the Billy Graham Center on the issue, but does it really “debunk” the 81% stat? And why did so many white evangelicals pick Trump? Hint—it wasn’t because of abortion. Plus, Phil and Skye discuss why some Christian prayers are really incantations, and the risk of death by selfie.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm CST

Much of the Evangelical Industrial Complex has been created to make Christianity relevant, acceptable, and attractive to our consumer culture. Author and missional expert, Michael Frost, says this is a mistake. Instead, we should be emphasizing our faith’s weirdness and call more Christians to be eccentric—literally “off center.” Also this week: Phil and Skye take on “The Good Place,” a TV show about heaven without God or religion, the UK’s Supreme Court rules in favor of a Christian baker, and (fake) butt news from a Hawaiian seal hospital. 

Direct download: HP322.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm CST

The gang’s all here for a potluck episode. Drug News: A restaurant in Maine has mercy on lobsters by getting them high on marijuana before boiling them alive, and Coca-Cola plans to sell marijuana infused drinks. #MeToo News: Beth Moore confronts the misogyny within evangelicalism and pays the price. Political News: Liberty University produces a film about a “prophet” claiming Trump will launch Nuremberg-style trials in the U.S. against liberal Satanists, and research shows evangelicals who attend church regularly are more politically moderate. Plus, Phil, Skye, and Christian answer your mailbag questions.

Direct download: HP321_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm CST

Human dignity is one of Christianity’s greatest gifts to the world, says author Daniel Darling. His new book pushes Christians to think beyond the “us vs them” tribalism of our culture, and calls us back to a prophetic posture of defending what’s right even when it means supporting the other political party. He talks with Skye about why churches have abandoned discipleship to the news media, and how short-term wins for Christians in Washington may lead to long-term losses. Also this week, there may be new evidence for the exodus, and why are millennial marriages so much stronger than those of older generations? Plus, Phil wants to create a “kindhearted terrorist organization” to stop Japanese blood babies, and is Christian becoming a Nazi sympathizer?

Direct download: HP320.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm CST