The Holy Post

The cultures which produced the Bible were collectivist, but most modern Western Christians are immersed in individualism. Biblical scholar and missionary, E. Randolph Richards says this causes many of us to misinterpret critical aspects of the Bible, or miss them altogether. He talks with Skye about his latest book, “Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes.” Also this week—has a decline in religious authority caused a decline in empathy in America? And how did we go from expecting institutions to form us, to now expecting them to affirm us? Jerry Falwell Jr. is suing Liberty University for damaging his reputation. Plus, Christian’s surgery, itchy rashes, and swearing parrots.

Direct download: HP432.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm CST

The CEOs of Facebook and Twitter testified before Congress this week about the toxic spread of misinformation on their platforms and the harm it causes to society. Sadly, many Christians are complicit in this trend. Daniel Darling is back to talk about how Christians must change the way we engage social media if there’s any hope of redeeming it. Also this week, Trump’s favorite television preachers have made a spectacle of praying for a miraculous election victory, but when does Christian prayer deteriorate into pagan magic? The crew discusses a new study about megachurches, why they’re growing even larger, how fewer are identifying as “evangelical,” and whether the pandemic will cause anyone to rethink the model. Also, Canada experiments with giving money to homeless people, and R.I.P. Sausage King of Russia.

Direct download: HP431.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm CST

The exit poll data from the election is in, and it looks like white evangelicals are as politically conservative and Republican as ever. Professor of political science from Eastern Illinois University, Ryan Burge, joins the Holy Post crew to discuss the findings. He says Democrats should give up on white evangelical voters who are now more Republican than Christian. Burge also looks at the formative power of cable news, why pastors are afraid to address the idolatry of politics in their pews, and why the data says the future of evangelicalism will be dramatically different. Also this week, Drew Dyck is back with his latest book selections to survive the pandemic. Plus, Tesla owners beware—you could accidentally butt dial a very expensive upgrade for your car.

Direct download: HP430.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm CST

It’s 2020, did anyone really expect the election to be easy? The morning after the vote, a sleep-deprived Holy Post crew discusses what the incomplete results mean for the country and the church. The country hasn’t repudiated Trumpism, but they don’t seem to be embracing progressivism either. Did evangelicals still “hold their nose” and vote for Trump, or do exit polls show they’re deeply inhaling? An article from Christianity Today’s president, Tim Dalrymple, helps explain the evangelical divide over politics. And can the church learn to be prophetic again rather than partisan? Also this week, Phil talks with David French about reactions to the Holy Post video on abortion, and what the data shows will actually reduce the abortion rate in America.

Direct download: HP429.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm CST