The Holy Post

Do your church leaders want to use you or equip you? Pastor and cultural architect, Dave Gibbons, joins Skye for a conversation about the future of the church. Having experienced everything from fundamentalism, to the seeker megachurch, and urban multiethnic ministry, Gibbons has an interesting take on where things are heading. Hint—its about launching people not institutions. Phil and Skye also discuss Andrew Sullivan’s new article in which he argues that America’s new religion of “progress” is an empty shell that has made our politics worse. Plus, scientists are implanting mice with human mini-brains. What could possibly go wrong? And Phil tries to convince Skye not to learn golf.

Direct download: HP331.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm CST

Nothing has caused more controversy among Christians in recent years than the advancement of LGBT rights and its implications for religious liberty. Is there a way forward that respects both sides? Gene Robinson, who was elected the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in 2003, and Skye discuss where they find common ground. Also this week, Phil responds to a California university’s “whiteness forum” that declared VeggieTales to be racist. And remember the 69-year-old Dutch man trying to legally reduce his age by 20 years? We have an update.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:50pm CST

Last month American missionary John Chau broke the law by venturing to a remote island to share the gospel with an indigenous tribe who killed him. Phil and Skye unpack reactions to the story and what it says about our culture and how Christians now think about missionaries. Also this week, the “War on Christmas” has come to Idaho where a family is battling their neighbors over a live nativity scene complete with camels. Archeologists say they’ve found the ruins of an ancient city in Israel destroyed by a meteor. Is it Sodom? A church in the Netherlands is giving refuge to undocumented refugees with a never-ending worship service. And new research confirms social media is a major contributor to depression and anxiety.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm CST

Phil is off this week and Skye is traveling, so we have a special episode featuring a sermon Skye preached earlier this year at Mission Hills Church in San Marco, California. In the message, Skye looks at two ways Christians have viewed cultural engagement in the last century, and how both were rooted in fear and self-interest. He then explains a third, more faithful, option for those seeking to embrace the world with God’s love in the years ahead.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am CST

A Dutch man is suing the government to legally lower his age by 20 years. He argues that if we can legally change our gender and our name why not our age? After decades of scandal, the Catholic Church thinks a Pokémon Go style video game is what it needs to reengage young people. Phil and Skye have a few other suggestions. New data says America’s youngest generation is less moral, more self-centered, but less self-aware. Plus, Drew Dyck is back with his latest book and media recommendations.

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am CST

He wasn’t a megachurch leader, nor was he a Christian celebrity, but a small church pastor with a love for the Bible managed to impact the faith of millions. This week we’re joined by J.R. Briggs to talk about the ministry and legacy of his friend, Eugene Peterson. Plus, Phil and Skye breakdown the midterm elections, why are racists claiming there’s a “white genocide,” and a Bible professor explains why Trump is not like King Cyrus in the Old Testament.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm CST

In the wake of the terrible mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, more churches are debating whether or not to arm themselves in self-defense. Is armed security a faithful way to protect the flock, or do guns in church create more problems than solutions? Skye answers listener questions about the issue. Also this week, HBO wants to protect its actors from the harm caused by trivialized sex scenes while creating more shows that trivialize sex, new research on what makes for a happy marriage, and who stole a giant inflatable colon?

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:04pm CST

Christianity teaches that Jesus took our sins upon himself and endured the punishment of death we deserve. Some critics of that view, however, claim a God who pours out his wrath upon his innocent Son is a moral monster. Friend of the show, Mike Erre, is back to set the record straight and explains what the “divine child abuse” critique of the cross gets wrong. Also this week, Christian and Skye try to explain anti-semitism to Phil, new research says evangelicals don’t have diverse friends but teenagers do, and witchcraft is on the rise among millennials. Thanks, Harry Potter. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm CST

Since the 2016 election the statistic that a record-breaking 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump has been widely cited. But is it correct? Katelyn Beaty is back to unpack new research done by Lifeway and the Billy Graham Center on the issue, but does it really “debunk” the 81% stat? And why did so many white evangelicals pick Trump? Hint—it wasn’t because of abortion. Plus, Phil and Skye discuss why some Christian prayers are really incantations, and the risk of death by selfie.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm CST

Much of the Evangelical Industrial Complex has been created to make Christianity relevant, acceptable, and attractive to our consumer culture. Author and missional expert, Michael Frost, says this is a mistake. Instead, we should be emphasizing our faith’s weirdness and call more Christians to be eccentric—literally “off center.” Also this week: Phil and Skye take on “The Good Place,” a TV show about heaven without God or religion, the UK’s Supreme Court rules in favor of a Christian baker, and (fake) butt news from a Hawaiian seal hospital. 

Direct download: HP322.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm CST

The gang’s all here for a potluck episode. Drug News: A restaurant in Maine has mercy on lobsters by getting them high on marijuana before boiling them alive, and Coca-Cola plans to sell marijuana infused drinks. #MeToo News: Beth Moore confronts the misogyny within evangelicalism and pays the price. Political News: Liberty University produces a film about a “prophet” claiming Trump will launch Nuremberg-style trials in the U.S. against liberal Satanists, and research shows evangelicals who attend church regularly are more politically moderate. Plus, Phil, Skye, and Christian answer your mailbag questions.

Direct download: HP321_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm CST

Human dignity is one of Christianity’s greatest gifts to the world, says author Daniel Darling. His new book pushes Christians to think beyond the “us vs them” tribalism of our culture, and calls us back to a prophetic posture of defending what’s right even when it means supporting the other political party. He talks with Skye about why churches have abandoned discipleship to the news media, and how short-term wins for Christians in Washington may lead to long-term losses. Also this week, there may be new evidence for the exodus, and why are millennial marriages so much stronger than those of older generations? Plus, Phil wants to create a “kindhearted terrorist organization” to stop Japanese blood babies, and is Christian becoming a Nazi sympathizer?

Direct download: HP320.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm CST

Americans love freedom. We sing about it, demand it, and fight for it. But what exactly is it? Os Guinness says we’ve become confused about what freedom really means and argues our un-American and unbiblical vision of freedom may be our undoing. Phil and Skye discuss what it means for America to be a “potluck nation,” and what happens if someone brings poisoned chicken salad. Plus, how have corporations redefined Americans’ understanding of happiness? Get your star-spangled snorkel, it’s a deep dive into America’s values. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am CST

Why did a pastor in Alabama cut up his Nikes during a worship service? Drew Dyck is back with Skye to talk about the controversy over Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad, and why Americans now look to corporations rather than churches for moral guidance. Phil explores the resurgence of Black cinema, kindergarten pole dancers in China, and why sperm counts have plunged 60 percent. Plus, Phil and Skye plot a publicity stunt to become married Catholic priests.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:58pm CST

What is the relationship between the gospel and social justice? Some Christians are stirring controversy with a new statement arguing curing social ills is a distraction from the church’s core mission to save souls. Dr. Russell Moore is back to discuss why this topic is rooted in America’s history of racism, and why those on the extreme right and the extreme left both get it wrong. Plus, millennial evangelicals are rejecting the Christian nationalism of their parents. And why are churches in Montreal in love with cheeses but not Jesus?

Direct download: HP317.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm CST

Many Christians have elevated knowledge as the key to personal transformation which is why we’ve made sermons the center of many church gatherings. Aaron Niequist is back to challenge that assumption in favor of a practice-based faith. As a worship leader and liturgist, Niequist has discovered that transformation takes more than knowledge, and worship is more than celebration. Plus, Mike Pence offers NASA a space sermon, Phil found an atheist professor who says religion is good, and Christian slept in a Nazi bunker.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm CST

Our culture is rapidly losing it’s spiritual vocabulary. Words like grace, virtue, sin, and righteousness have fallen out of use. Why does it matter? Because language shapes the way our brains work and how we see the world. Author and journalist Jonathan Merritt is back to discuss his new book about learning to use God language again. Plus, why are people getting plastic surgery to resemble Snapchat filters, and Phil is worried the world is running out of Japanese people.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:37pm CST

Did God predestine every individual for eternal paradise or punishment before time began? It’s one of the most confusing doctrines of Christianity, but pastor, podcaster, and proud Buckeye Mike Erre is here to help us make sense of predestination. The problem, he says, isn’t the doctrine itself or the Bible, but our modern, individualistic way of reading it. Plus, a shark named Helen was stolen in Texas, manna is from Iran not heaven, and a survey by Captain Obvious finds non-religious people don’t talk about religion. 

Direct download: HP314.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am CST

Nestled amid the farms and wind turbines of Iowa, Phil and Skye are in Okoboji—the “Cancun of the North”—for their annual pilgrimage to the Okoboji Bible Conference. Joining them is Phil’s brother Rob, Harvard Law School graduate and dean of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis, to discuss how Christians should think about the Supreme Court, and what’s behind the Pope’s decision to oppose the death penalty in all cases? Plus, initial thoughts on the unfolding drama at Willow Creek. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am CST

Phil and Skye are at the Okoboji Bible Conference this week, so we have a special episode featuring a message Skye preached a few weeks ago at Wellspring Alliance Church. Based on John 9, Skye looks at why the most religious, most theologically educated people rejected Jesus. Drawing from research conducted by a psychologist in the 1950s, Skye shows that the more certain we are the more blind we become and why certainty, not doubt, is actually the opposite of faith.

Direct download: HP312.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28am CST

The new documentary about Fred Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” has adults crying in theaters and has sparked a Mr. Rogers revival across the country. Skye is joined by co-host of The Movie Proposal, Josh Lindsay, to discuss the film and why it should be required viewing for everyone in America, and how Mr. Rogers should inspire Christians to worry less about being relevant and more about being kind. Plus, Josh recommends other inspiring and thoughtful films while Skye doesn’t. It’s a special Movie Proposal episode of the Holy Post. 

Something Old:

Josh’s: Thin Blue Line:

Skye’s: Speed:

Something New: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Josh’s Proposal: The filmmakers of Won’t You Be My Neighbor were wise to focus on the message rather than the man himself.

Skye’s Proposal: This film reveals why Christians, and evangelicals in particular, should be much, much less concerned about being relevant.

Something Borrowed:

Something Blew: 

Josh’s: Planet Earth:

Skye’s: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee:


Direct download: HP311.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:13pm CST

Church scandals are nothing new, but why do they keep making the same mistakes over and over? Katelyn Beaty is back to dissect a few recent, high profile stories of churches mishandling accusations against leaders, and she offers lessons we can all learn from their mistakes. Plus, New Yorkers are appalled by a proposal to have men and women only days at a public beach, and what do fertility rates have to do with Millennials leaving the church?

Direct download: HP310.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm CST

The gospel is about going to heaven when we die, right? Wrong. Christian and Skye discuss the many popular but false ideas about heaven, death, and the gospel in a new addition of “Christian Asks.” Plus, a liberal writer freaks out over the Supreme Court saying evangelicals want to control women’s bodies. Skye disagrees arguing he can hardly control his own. Phil unpacks new research that says “find your passion” is really bad career advice. And Christian has travel tips if you’re ever in Normandy—aka, the Mississippi of France. 

Direct download: HP309.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm CST

Some think Donald Trump’s record-breaking support among white evangelicals is abnormal, but not historian John Fea. He unpacks 200 years of American church history to show why so many evangelicals favored Trump over other conservative, Christian candidates. Plus, Phil, Christian, and Skye deconstruct Chris Pratt’s brilliant mini-sermon at the MTV Awards, and wonder why Christians in Nevada are supporting “America’s #1 Pimp” for the state legislature. It’s politics, Pratt, and pimps on the Holy Post!

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Christian’s back from France! Her report from Normandy raises a question: should old Nazi veterans be included in D-Day commemorations? The gang discusses the future of Roe v. Wade, and Phil (finally) offers his take on NFL players kneeling during the anthem. Plus, Drew Dyck is back with his review of Jordan Peterson’s best-seller, “12 Rules for Life.”

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

What would (cartoon) Jesus do? Europe doesn’t have a great track record with cartoon depictions of religious leaders. Will an animated Jesus TV show for adults change that? The Miss America pageant announced it’s ending the swimsuit competition, so Phil explores how Christians went from denouncing the pageant in the 1920s to celebrating it by the 1960s. Finally, Skye responds to listener questions about worship and how he thinks about women in ministry.

Direct download: HP306.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:41am CST

Phil offers an impromptu history of European banking while insulting the French. Skye reports back from Disneyland and the #MeToo renovation of Pirates of the Caribbean. Dr. David Fitch says evangelicals have gotten church leadership all wrong. Rather than a hierarchy or democracy he says we need a pneumatocracy. (You’ll have to listen to find out what that means.) Plus, Phil ponders new research that says your “butt brain” may help with memory.

Direct download: HP305.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

What’s so special about January 10, 2013? That’s the day Skye believes Christianity ceased to be viewed as a moral belief system in the U.S. Based on his new article, he talks about the three factors that conspired to fundamentally shift the way nonbelievers see the faith, and why it requires a new approach to ministry. Plus, research says American atheists are more religious than European Christians, the opioid epidemic has reached mollusks, & Phil discovers we have a second brain—you’ll never guess where.

Direct download: HP304.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Our friend from across the pond and host of “Unbelievable,” Justin Brierley, is back. He discusses why Christians are infatuated with Jordan Peterson, and why even secular Brits have given up on the New Atheists. Phil and Skye dissect the Supreme Court’s decision in the Colorado wedding cake case, and debate whether they’d rather be Mr. Rogers or Clint Eastwood after new research says testosterone is a barrier to faith.

Direct download: HP303.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52am CST

Some Christians are rethinking the “purity culture” of their youths, but are they going too far? Katelyn Beaty is back to talk about what’s good, and what’s not so good, about progressive Christians building a sexual ethic on consent alone. Plus, youth pastors don’t want to talk about science, Christians don’t want to talk about faith, and Phil wants to talk about frozen frog urine.

Direct download: HP302.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

How do we define success in the Christian life? Jon Tyson is back to talk about his new book, The Burden is Light, and how we’ve let American ideas of success warp our vision of faith and ministry. Plus, Swedes are stealing owls, Trump is making women into witches, and Phil and Skye talk about the Democrats’ “God Gap.”

Direct download: HP301.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm CST

Phil, Skye, and Christian celebrate the big 3-0-0 by reminiscing about the launch of the podcast six years ago, recalling their favorite guests, and sharing how the world has changed since the show began. They also reveal the show’s new name, new theme song, and plans for the future. Don’t miss this episode!

Direct download: PVP300.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:55am CST

Christian’s back! And she helps Phil and Skye unpack new research on what Americans really believe about God, and you may be surprised to learn which Americans’ beliefs align closest to the Bible. Drew Dyck returns for his latest must-read book recommendations, Disney World cancels its annual Christian music concert, and Phil exposes New Jersey’s “pooperintendent” of schools.

Direct download: PVP299.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:59am CST

Let’s be honest, our culture’s understanding of sexuality and gender is a hot mess. The moment you feel like you’ve got a grasp of the issues, everything changes again. Dr. Preston Sprinkle is back to help us make sense of the conversation and prepare us for what’s next. Plus, Skye reports on the meeting of evangelical leaders at Wheaton College, and Phil defends the legal rights of creative monkeys. 

Direct download: PVP298.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am CST

It's become a very contentious issue, but few Christians know the surprising origins of religious liberty in the U.S. Author and church historian Brandon O'Brien is back to talk about a little known Baptist leader who shaped the First Amendment. Plus, why are so many atheists joining the Alt-Right movement, and what should we do about sexist 1980's movies in the era of #MeToo?

Direct download: PVP297_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am CST

This week Skye answers theology questions from our Patreon supporters like, is social justice biblical? And, when did the “gospel” become about my salvation rather than the kingdom of God? Phil and Skye discuss the fragility of megachurches and whether some celebrity pastors have become too big to fail. Plus, Phil takes a journey through the digestive system of the African elephant.

Direct download: PVP296.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm CST

Jon Ward is the senior political correspondent for Yahoo News. He joins Skye for a conversation about what's broken with our politics, how to fix it, and the role of faith in Washington. Phil also unpacks new research on Christian nationalism, why is atheist Richard Dawkins worried about the decline of Christianity, and iguanas!

Direct download: PVP295.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Our favorite Old Testament professor is back! Dr. John Walton has written a new book about Noah’s flood, and he comes to some surprising conclusions. Was there really a worldwide deluge, or was it a smaller, local event? Plus, Phil and Skye ask why Christmas is so much bigger than Easter? Did the Pope deny the existence of hell? And did Jesus break into a Pizza Hut?

Direct download: 294Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12am CST

Phil’s busy writing and Skye’s on vacation, so for Holy Week we’re posting a special episode featuring a sermon Skye preached on March 11, 2018. (Please don’t tell Read Schuchardt.) Skye looks at a dimension of the cross we often overlook and why the cross, not culture, is what unites the church.

Direct download: PVP293_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Communications professor, Dr. Theon Hill, is back for a fascinating conversation about our post-truth, fake news culture. Hill believes for Christians to survive the deterioration of truth they should adopt the rhetorical strategies historically used by persecuted minorities including the black church. Plus, the gang discusses Evangelicalism. What is it? What was it? And what is the future of the Evangelical movement.

Direct download: PVP292.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm CST

The country music industry lost its mind when conservative Mike Huckabee was appointed to the CMA Foundation board. Is it a sign that even red states are becoming blue? Christian campus ministries are being accused of discrimination because they want their leaders to be Christians. Plus, Drew Dyck is back with his best book picks, and the gang tackles mental health and lizard brains.

Direct download: 291PVP1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47am CST

Communications professor Read Schuchard is back to tell us how podcasting is replacing, and hurting, the church. Why should we bother to show up on Sunday if we can get the sermon anytime/anywhere? Plus, the gang discusses a meeting of evangelical and Muslim leaders in D.C., and why are strippers so popular Chinese funerals.

Direct download: PVP290.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:38am CST

The passing of Billy Graham has triggered an avalanche of articles about the famed evangelist. Many are tributes but some are rebukes. Phil, Skye, and Christian try to make sense of it all and discuss why Graham was most often attacked by conservatives during his life but liberals after his death. And what will be the future of the evangelical movement he helped create?

Direct download: PVP289.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am CST

Is the passing of Billy Graham symbolic of the passing of American evangelicalism? Skye discusses that with Drew Dyck along with a new book about how social media does more harm than good. Plus, Phil and the gang talk about Christians giving a pass to Donald Trump, and why are so many more teens identifying as LGBT.

Direct download: PVP288_2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11pm CST

If you don’t believe in hell are you guaranteed to go there? Which view of the atonement is right? And can pastors who behave really badly be restored? Skye answers your theology questions this week, plus the gang discusses deadly Amish buggies, lady Doritos, and the latest ridiculous claims made by evangelicalism’s crazy uncles (and aunts). 

Direct download: PVP287.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm CST

Is heaven really the goal of the Christian life? Did Jesus really come to rescue us from an earth doomed to destruction? Skye and Christian discuss how many popular ideas about heaven are rooted in false beliefs from Greek and medieval mythologies rather than the New Testament. Also, Phil’s back to talk about beavers, monkeys, and religious liberty for Satanists.



Direct download: PVP286.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35pm CST

Headlines erupted when an evangelical megachurch gave a standing ovation to a pastor who confessed to sexual misconduct with a teenager. Are evangelicals really that out of touch with the #MeToo movement? Guest Katelyn Beaty brings clarity and wisdom to the conversation. Plus, Botox for camels, the spread of Islam, and a brief history of chain migration.

Direct download: PVP285.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm CST

Should cannabis churches that claim marijuana is a sacrament be protected by the law? Why are megachurches so white, almost all led by men, and very unclear about their stance on LGBTs? Phil, Skye, and Christian unpack new research. Plus, Skye discusses what the “wall of separation” between church and state really means.

Direct download: PVP284_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am CST

Christian is back with Phil and Skye to discuss new research that says evangelicals aren’t as anti-science as we’ve been led to believe. Plus, Phil discovers something disturbing about avocados. Skye then interviews journalist Jonathan Merritt about the biggest stories of 2017—including the growing number of evangelical leaders now affirming same-sex marriage and the split between elite and populist Christians over Trump. Will these trends continue in 2018?

Direct download: 283_PVP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:25pm CST

Too much artistic expression in America lives at the extremes - either completely secular or overwhelmingly, explicitly Christian.  What about stories from the middle? Stories iIlluminated by the Christian narrative without being so, you know, “Christiany?”  Singer/songwriter/author Andrew Peterson and his producing partner Chris Wall join Phil and Skye to talk about Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga fantasy books and the effort to bring them to the screen as an animated series.  
Plus… Phil and Skye discuss nostalgia for Christian pop culture, and a secret message from the past hidden in a very strange place.  (No video this week - listen to it with your ears!)
Direct download: PVP282.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST