Wed, 30 October 2019
Do you feel alienated from the evangelical tradition of your youth, but not at home with the more liberal versions of the faith either? Welcome to the ranks of the spiritually homeless. Friend of the show Mike Erre is back to discuss the trend and the stages that lead a disappointed evangelical to become fully de-converted. Also this week: A woman in Germany says her passionate relationship with a Boeing 737-800 is true love. A Russian man sues Apple claiming an app made him gay. The Vatican tries to woo tech-savvy millennials back to religion with the “e-rosary.” Plus, Phil and Skye examine the philosophy fueling the “anti-natalist” movement which says the only moral, logical, and compassionate option is for all humans to stop having children. |
Wed, 23 October 2019
89-year-old Dr. John Perkins has a lot to say to Christians about race, friendship, and the power of God’s love. The civil rights legend talks with Skye about his remarkable life, the problem with everyone focusing on their victimhood, and how “real reconciliation is washing each other’s wounds.” Also this week: John MacArthur tells Beth Moore to “Go home.” His audience laughed; Christian-twitter did not. Phil and Skye debate whether MacArthur even matters anymore. New Pew data says the U.S. will be majority non-Christian by 2035. Plus, the world’s largest ouija board debuts in Salem, Massachusetts. |
Wed, 16 October 2019
This week Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O’Rourke, called for churches and religious organizations that do not support same-sex marriage to lose their tax-exempt status. Skye talks with law professor and political scientist John Inazu about the issue. Is there a real risk? What’s the difference between churches and religious schools according to the law? And would losing tax-exemption necessarily be bad? Also this week, “Rise of the Planet of the Pigs”? Filipino pigs in France have learned to use tools. The court says the University of Iowa has discriminated against religious students. And a progressive seminary is conducting services for people to confess their sins to plants. |
Wed, 9 October 2019
Did God create the different races and intend them to be separate, or is race a social and cultural invention? Theologian Willie James Jennings joins Skye for a mind-stretching conversation about the role of race in our faith, how “whiteness” has influenced Christianity, why a proper vision of Jesus’ incarnation challenges many of our assumptions, and the racial Cold War occurring in our country. Also this week: A study that found religious kids are nastier and less generous than secular kids is retracted due to a math error. Trump’s “court evangelicals” warn that his impeachment could start a new civil war. The podcast hosts discuss the pros and cons of impeachment and over-spiritualizing political differences. |
Wed, 2 October 2019
It’s been over 20 years since Lee Strobel wrote his best-selling book “The Case for Christ.” He talks with Skye about the changing role of apologetics in our post-Christian culture. It’s no longer just intellectual barriers that keep people from faith, says Strobel, but emotional barriers. Today, Christian credibility depends more on our love than our arguments. Also this week: Scientists discover squirrels eavesdrop on birds. Phil and Skye debate the significance of a Missouri council member taking her oath on a Dr. Suess book. Conservative critics are accusing Democrats of being “godless,” but Pew finds a strong majority of voters in both parties say religion is important in their lives. Plus, the top 10 signs your Christianity has been “Americanized.” |