The Holy Post

With less than a week until the election, Phil and Skye are joined by Kaitlyn Schiess to discuss what should, and should not, influence how Christians vote. First, they talk about reactions to Skye’s video (not Phil’s, he had nothing to do with it!) about abortion, and the different ways the issue is viewed by evangelicals. They also unpack recent articles about the election from three Christian leaders—John Piper, Al Mohler, and Joel Hunter. It is just a coincidence that the two retired pastors oppose Trump? And why does Mohler hold Black Christians to a different standard when voting? Phil explains why two traditionally Republican counties should make conservatives rethink their support for Trump. And why is every election framed as an existential threat to America? Finally, Skye talks with Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief, about the historically low number of refugees resettled in the U.S., the current administration’s broken promise to help persecuted Christians, and why evangelical leaders and laity are so far apart on the issue of immigration.

Lifeway Research | “2016 Election Exposes Evangelical Divides”: 
Desiring God | “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin: Pondering the Implications of the 2020 Election”: 
Albert Mohler | “Christians, Conscience, and the Looming 2020 Election”:
Michael Wear Responds to Al Mohler | Twitter Thread: 
Christian Post - Wayne Grudem | “A respectful response to my friend John Piper about voting for Trump”:
Direct download: HP428_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm CST

Author and cultural commentator, Os Guinness, says, “If people don’t understand the 60’s, they can’t understand today.” Skye talks with Os about the re-release of his classic book, “The Dust of Death” and how the 60’s counterculture planted the seeds for the cultural upheaval and division we’re seeing in 2020. Also this week, can the National Association of Evangelicals restore the reputation of evangelicalism in America? The Gospel Coalition offers 6 wise suggestions for political engagement, and the crew discusses how church leaders can lead their congregations through potentially divisive topics. Plus, News of the Butt…in space!

“NASA Just Sent a New $23 Million Space Toilet to the International Space Station”:

“For the Health of the Nation” Statement:

6 Ways Christians Can Be Wiser in Public Engagement”:

Direct download: HP427.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm CST

The most esteemed New Testament scholar alive today is back on the show! N.T. Wright discusses his new book about John’s gospel, “Broken Signposts.” Wright talks to Skye about two competing visions of power and freedom at work in the world today, and how the church sometimes fails to follow the right one. He also unpacks how “identity” has become the dominant framework in our culture, how it’s a reaction to colonialism, and the danger it poses to Christian unity. Also this week—Is America having a moral convulsion? David Brooks things so. The gang discusses his new article about what happens when we lose trust in America’s institutions and in one another, and why the church could be the answer. Plus, Phil gets invited to a cookout, Christian wins another award, and Skye’s dog vomits on his sofa.

Should Christians vote for Trump? Eric Metaxas vs David French:"America Is Having a Moral Convulsion":

Direct download: HP426.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm CST

Does the Bible have anything to say about the police? What about racial diversity? Are Christians called to submit to the government or reform it? Professor and Anglican priest, Esau McCaulley, talks about his new book, “Reading While Black,” and the African-American tradition of Scripture interpretation that avoids the either/or (conservative vs. liberal) thinking typical in the white church. Also this week, Phil shares about his experience being interviewed by Kirk Cameron and goes on a rant about “false binaries.” Christian is now an “award-winning” filmmaker. What should a useful voter guide for Christians include? And clowns object to the first presidential debate being called a “circus.”

"How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t.”:

Direct download: HP425_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm CST