Tue, 27 December 2016
Muslim imams and evangelical pastors camping together on a dude ranch in Texas?? Some kind of bizarre reality show coming to cable this Fall? Nope! It’s the real life work of Texas megachurch pastor Bob Roberts - who joins us on the podcast to describe his unlikely and somewhat controversial role as a bridge between conservative Christian leaders and their Muslim counterparts. |
Tue, 20 December 2016
Which religious group is the most educated? Are Americans more divided than ever before? When did “self-fulfillment” become our new religion? Leading Christian pollster David Kinnaman joins us for this year-end podcast to talk about trends shaping the culture and the church. (Plus his new book, Barna Trends 2017.) |
Tue, 13 December 2016
Most modern worship songs focus on God or me. (Or God AND me.) Is there anything else we should be covering when we worship God? Former Mars Hill and Willow Creek worship pastor Aaron Niequist joins the podcast to talk about his adventures in seeking a bigger vision of what worship can be. |
Tue, 6 December 2016
Podcast co-host Skye Jethani and Josh Lindsay are launching a new podcast about movies, so with Skye off in India, Phil and Christian sit down with Josh to talk movies and the new podcast! |