The Holy Post

Is our vision of the ideal Christian man more like Jesus or John Wayne? Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez talks about the rise of militant masculinity within evangelicalism, how the threat of Communism in the mid twentieth-century led church leaders to deify testosterone, and why we don’t like images of a weak, crucified Jesus. Also this week, Jerry Falwell’s “pool boy” scandal, John MacArthur says abortion, gay marriage, and transgenderism should determine how Christians vote which leads Skye to explain the difference between “cosmic” and “crotch” Christianity, and Phil unpacks David French’s latest article about why your vote for president will have no impact on abortion. Plus, it’s 130 degrees in Death Valley. What does that mean?

“Do Pro-Lifers Who Reject Trump Have Blood on Their Hands?” by David French


“About Those Manly Evangelical Protectors” by Kristin Kobes Du Mez:


“You Want Context? Jerry Falwell Jr’s Crotch Shot and Family Values Evangelicalism” by Kristin Kobes Du Mez:

Direct download: HP419.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm CST

Back in 2016, Donald Trump gave a campaign speech promising that if elected “Christianity will have power.” The Holy Post crew discusses why this message has so much appeal to some Christians today, the way fear has come to mark our faith, and what we can do to counteract the trend. After the podcast is interrupted by a tornado, Christian asks if we’re seeing signs of the apocalypse. Skye says, “No” and shares his idea for a sermon titled “How Stupid Do We Think God Is?” Plus, listener mail.

The Voting Booth

Christianity Will Have Power

Direct download: HP418_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm CST

Everyone seems to be talking about justice—including Christians, but how we define “justice” in our society is hotly debated. Pastor and author Tim Keller has outlined 4 competing definitions of justice, and what sets Biblical justice apart from the rest. The Holy Post crew reviews Keller’s article and its implications. Liberty University has put Jerry Falwell Jr. on “indefinite leave.” Was it Falwell’s race-baiting, financial shenanigans, authoritarian leadership, or abuse of power that motivated Liberty’s board to act? Nope—it was a sexually-suggestive photo with Falwell holding alcohol. What does it say about what triggers evangelicals (and what doesn’t)? Also this week, friend of the show and host of the Vox Podcast, Mike Erre, talks with Skye about why Christians are drawn to conspiracy theories, and what motivated Skye to write his new book, “What If Jesus Was Serious?” Plus, Phil explains why he wants to live in a world where wild boar stroll into public areas with their piglets to steal things—and where naked Germans chase them.

Direct download: HP417_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58pm CST

Does our faith shape our politics, or is politics shaping our faith? Justin Giboney is an attorney, a political strategist, and the co-founder and president of the AND Campaign. Rather than fighting over whether we should vote red or blue, Giboney believes Christians should use their influence to push both parties toward the love and truth of Christ. He talks with Skye about why that is more necessary and more challenging than ever. Also this week, a new book explores the intersection of white evangelicalism and masculinity leading the Holy Post crew to debate who’s less masculine—Phil or Skye? Plus, a South African couple has made an award-winning gin from elephant dung. Bottoms up!


Direct download: HP416_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20am CST