The Holy Post

Church scandals are nothing new, but why do they keep making the same mistakes over and over? Katelyn Beaty is back to dissect a few recent, high profile stories of churches mishandling accusations against leaders, and she offers lessons we can all learn from their mistakes. Plus, New Yorkers are appalled by a proposal to have men and women only days at a public beach, and what do fertility rates have to do with Millennials leaving the church?

Direct download: HP310.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm CST

The gospel is about going to heaven when we die, right? Wrong. Christian and Skye discuss the many popular but false ideas about heaven, death, and the gospel in a new addition of “Christian Asks.” Plus, a liberal writer freaks out over the Supreme Court saying evangelicals want to control women’s bodies. Skye disagrees arguing he can hardly control his own. Phil unpacks new research that says “find your passion” is really bad career advice. And Christian has travel tips if you’re ever in Normandy—aka, the Mississippi of France. 

Direct download: HP309.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm CST

Some think Donald Trump’s record-breaking support among white evangelicals is abnormal, but not historian John Fea. He unpacks 200 years of American church history to show why so many evangelicals favored Trump over other conservative, Christian candidates. Plus, Phil, Christian, and Skye deconstruct Chris Pratt’s brilliant mini-sermon at the MTV Awards, and wonder why Christians in Nevada are supporting “America’s #1 Pimp” for the state legislature. It’s politics, Pratt, and pimps on the Holy Post!

Direct download: HP308.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Christian’s back from France! Her report from Normandy raises a question: should old Nazi veterans be included in D-Day commemorations? The gang discusses the future of Roe v. Wade, and Phil (finally) offers his take on NFL players kneeling during the anthem. Plus, Drew Dyck is back with his review of Jordan Peterson’s best-seller, “12 Rules for Life.”

Direct download: HP307.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST