The Holy Post

Did Bill Gates create the pandemic? Are Democrats running a child-trafficking cartel? Is Trump a secret genius sending coded messages in his tweets? Conspiracy theories are spreading among evangelicals faster than Covid-19. The Holy Post crew discusses The Atlantic’s cover story about QAnon, why it’s so appealing to Christians, and why it’s a dangerous heresy. Then, Skye talks with Chicago pastor David Swanson about his new book “Rediscipling the White Church,” and what would change if pastors began to see racism as a discipleship problem and not merely a social one. Plus—is God against face masks? And a rockstar is hospitalized after an “over-enthusiastic gardening accident.”

Direct download: HP406.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm CST

The podcast crew responds to listener feedback and questions posted on like, is it ok for Christians to be concerned about the mark of the beast if we avoid nutty conspiracy theories? New research finds white evangelicals consider Donald Trump the most trustworthy source for COVID-19 news and generally distrust public health officials and journalists.

This leads Phil to explain the tactics of demagogues and why today’s evangelicals are drawn to them. Also this week, Drew Dyck is back with his latest book and media recommendations to engage while you’re sheltering at home.


GOP Lawmaker Opposes Coronavirus Face Masks Because They Cover ‘The Image Of God’ - HuffPost Do White Evangelicals Get Their Coronavirus News? The White House - Christianity Today | Trump Is Staking Out His Own Universe of ‘Alternative Facts’ - The New York Times

Direct download: HP405_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm CST

The culture in many Christian communities and organizations is toxic for leaders, their families, and their faith. This is especially true for female leaders. Jo Saxton is back to talk about her new book, “Ready to Rise,” and how churches neglect God’s gifts when they ignore women’s voices and abilities, and why women suppress their gifts to be seen as “humble.” And don’t miss Jo’s important interpretation of the Mary and Martha story from the gospels—Wow. Also this week: Skye shares his family’s quarantine rules. Scholars are redefining the meaning of “evangelical” away from any shared theology and toward shared politics and media figures. Half of Americans aren’t wearing pants while working at home. Self-cleaning underwear has just arrived and you’ll need it when you see 2020’s latest plague—Murder Hornets.

Direct download: HP404_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53pm CST

More Americans have been killed by Covid-19 in two months than were killed in the Vietnam War in 20 years. Some Christians are responding to these uncertain times with familiar platitudes—none more popular than, “God is in control.” But is he? Mike Erre is back to talk about the tension in Scripture between God’s sovereignty and human free will. Also this week: What’s so special about lama blood? Churchgoers attempting to conduct a drive-in service get ticketed. A conspiracy theory growing among Christians says Dr. Fauci planned the pandemic in league with the antichrist. Has gullibility now become a Christian virtue? Skye shares his family’s quarantine rules, and Phil thinks bathing is overrated.

Direct download: HP403.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm CST