The Holy Post

“What really happened?” That’s a question many people bring to their reading of the Gospels. As a result, some Christians stitch together divergent accounts from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to create a single narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry. According to Juan Hernandez, professor of biblical studies at Bethel University, this is a huge mistake. He talks with Skye about common errors we make when reading the gospels and why we must understand them literarily and not just literally. Also in this episode: Russian priests bomb a city with holy water to stop the drinking and fornication. Skye supports a mass wedding at a Dallas megachurch for cohabitating couples. The Methodists are planning a split over LGBT ordination. One writer believes 2016 marks the biggest crisis for evangelicals since the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925. And Phil bends the knee to the invisible hand of the almighty Bezos.

Direct download: HP370.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm CST

For ten years, Scott Harrison was one of the most successful club promoters in NYC. His life was marked by every hedonistic indulgence imaginable. Today, he’s the founder and CEO of Charity:Water, a non-profit that has brought clean water to over 10 million people around the world. Scott shares the remarkable story of his transformation and faith with Skye in an interview you won’t want to miss. Also this week, the head of a Catholic school bans Harry Potter books because he fears the spells they contain are real. New data says Millennials are abandoning God, country, and family. Is there a single explanation for all three? The podcast gang debates the leading theories. And Phil is hopeful about a new NPR podcast that interviews religious believers.

Direct download: HP369_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11pm CST

Based on a decade of research with the Barna Group, David Kinnaman says we’re not in Kansas anymore. We now occupy digital Babylon—a new world where people are discipled by their screens, don’t know how to have meaningful relationships, and distrust organizations. What does this all mean for the church? He talks with Skye about everything from rethinking preaching, the diminishing value of youth ministry, and a backlash against “professional” worship. Also this week, Phil reads from his new Bible and has a dream/nightmare about Donald Trump. Christian asks where we should get our news from. NFL quarterback Drew Brees gets in trouble for appearing in a Focus on the Family video. And research says the church, like politics, is losing moderates.

Direct download: HP368.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm CST

According to years of research from the Barna Group, only about 10% of young adults raised in the church have a resilient faith. Some may see that as bad news, but not David Kinnaman. He dug deeper to see what was different about these 4 million Millennials and Gen Zers, and he came away deeply encouraged. He talks with Skye about the 5 traits of “resilient disciples” and what it means for the future of the church. Also this week, Phil, Christian, and Skye talk about the wave of Christian leaders abandoning the faith and what it means for labels like “evangelical,” “ex-evangelical,” “fundamentalist,” and “progressive.” Plus, plague-infected prairie dogs and pooping Legos.

Direct download: HP367.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm CST