The Holy Post

Do your church leaders want to use you or equip you? Pastor and cultural architect, Dave Gibbons, joins Skye for a conversation about the future of the church. Having experienced everything from fundamentalism, to the seeker megachurch, and urban multiethnic ministry, Gibbons has an interesting take on where things are heading. Hint—its about launching people not institutions. Phil and Skye also discuss Andrew Sullivan’s new article in which he argues that America’s new religion of “progress” is an empty shell that has made our politics worse. Plus, scientists are implanting mice with human mini-brains. What could possibly go wrong? And Phil tries to convince Skye not to learn golf.

Direct download: HP331.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm CST

Nothing has caused more controversy among Christians in recent years than the advancement of LGBT rights and its implications for religious liberty. Is there a way forward that respects both sides? Gene Robinson, who was elected the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in 2003, and Skye discuss where they find common ground. Also this week, Phil responds to a California university’s “whiteness forum” that declared VeggieTales to be racist. And remember the 69-year-old Dutch man trying to legally reduce his age by 20 years? We have an update.

Direct download: HP330_F.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:50pm CST

Last month American missionary John Chau broke the law by venturing to a remote island to share the gospel with an indigenous tribe who killed him. Phil and Skye unpack reactions to the story and what it says about our culture and how Christians now think about missionaries. Also this week, the “War on Christmas” has come to Idaho where a family is battling their neighbors over a live nativity scene complete with camels. Archeologists say they’ve found the ruins of an ancient city in Israel destroyed by a meteor. Is it Sodom? A church in the Netherlands is giving refuge to undocumented refugees with a never-ending worship service. And new research confirms social media is a major contributor to depression and anxiety.

Direct download: HP329.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm CST