Tue, 31 October 2017
10 kids, no TV, no cell phone, no internet. Life with the Amish? A zombie apocalypse? Nope - just another day in the life of Read Schuchardt, a professor of media ecology who definitely practices what he preaches! Plus, Phil and Skye discuss a new “giant sucking sound” in American demographics and Phil, yet again, attempts to convince us we really, REALLY don’t want to live on Mars. This week on the podcast! |
Tue, 24 October 2017
So… Phil and a Croatian Protestant theologian walk into a bar…. Oh, you’ve heard that one? Author/theologian/Yale professor Miroslav Volf sits down with Phil to talk about Christians in culture and his new book Public Faith in Action: How to Engage with Commitment, Conviction, and Courage. What follows is a fascinating conversation about Volf’s arguments for religion in a globalized world, plus what discourages and encourages him about the North American church today. And how his fountain pen explains his view of God and Creation. He’s a bright guy and it’s a lot of fun! This week on the podcast! |
Tue, 17 October 2017
Phil and Skye sit down with N.T. Wright for a fun and fascinating conversation with the world-renowned author and theologian. What does Wright think of the North American church? Why do modern gender issues remind him of ancient Gnosticism? Why is Phil singing show tunes to a famous theologian? What would Wright put on a billboard if he could require everyone to read one message? What is it he think kids Bibles get wrong that makes him want to write his own? All this and more! Plus… Bladerunner 2049 makes Phil think deep thoughts. And dogs are people too. Or maybe not. |
Tue, 10 October 2017
Phil interviews film producer Todd Komarnicki of acclaimed Elf fame about his experience as a Christian in Hollywood. This week on the podcast! |
Tue, 3 October 2017
Liz Dong is two things that usually don’t go together - an undocumented immigrant AND an evangelical Christian. She’s also a immigrant advocate with World Relief, as well as a member of the Evangelical Immigration Table. Having read a piece she wrote for Time Magazine, we invited Liz to stop by the studio and talk about her life story and the issues involving DACA, immigration and the church. Plus, we pause for a moment to remember Hugh Hefner. Okay - that was long enough. |