The Holy Post

What exactly are “vampire churches,” and why does Skye believe they’re sucking the life out of American Christianity?  How can “effectiveness” and “ambition” be the enemies of ministry?  And why can’t Phil stop talking about turtles??  Phil and Skye discuss Skye’s new book, Immeasurable.  And turtles.  This week on the podcast!

(Due to a technical glitch, there is no video on YouTube this week.  Terribly sorry.  Picture us in your minds.  Phil is wearing dark purple.  Skye is bald.  Christian is missing.  Go.)

Direct download: FINAL280.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

It’s a pre-Thanksgiving mailbag podcast, as the gang sits down to answer your questions.  From favorite Thanksgiving foods to thoughts about guns in church and the “Mike Pence Rule.”  Plus… is Phil ready to give up on the label “evangelical,” or is he still holding onto hope??  Grab a turkey leg and listen in!

Direct download: FINAL_279.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:40am CST

Irish composer Keith Getty has been writing modern hymns like “In Christ Alone” for two decades, and now he’s written - wait for it - a BOOK!  About singing!  Keith joins Phil and Skye on the podcast to talk worship music, singing together, and how to stay focused on God when everyone around you wants another HIT worship song.  PLUS - Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K.  Hollywood has been behaving very badly, and Phil and Skye ponder if it’s a new thing, or a very, very old thing made visible in a new way.  Come on along for the ride!

Direct download: Final278.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We’ve all heard the stats about kids leaving the faith when they head for college - but why? And what would have made their faith more “sticky?” Has anyone done any actual research on this? Kara Powell has! Fuller Youth Institute Executive Director Kara Powell joins the gang to discuss her research and her book - Sticky Faith!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP171.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST