The Holy Post

Voices on the right, from Elon Musk to Fox News, are accusing social media companies of violating the First Amendment's protection of free speech. David French is back to talk with Skye Jethani about what speech the First Amendment does, and does not, protect. And he explains why the decision of a private citizen or company, like Twitter, to remove content or limit free speech is not unconstitutional. They also debate what responsibility social media companies do have for the speech they allow on their platforms, as well as court cases in Texas and Florida that could dramatically change how social media functions for all Americans.

0:00 - Intro
2:15 - Free speech and social media
53:24 - Free speech and journalism
1:05:10 - Credits

"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson Don't Understand the First Amendment" by David French (The Atlantic) -
"The 'Twitter Files' Show It's Time to Reimagine Free Speech Online" by David French (The Dispatch)

David French:
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST

or our final episode of 2022, we are sharing with everyone two bonus features that are normally exclusively available to Holy Post supporters. First, you’ll hear an episode of “Christian Asks” where Skye explains what the Bible says, and does not say, about what happens to us after we die. Then, we’re sharing one of the most popular episodes of “Getting Schooled by Kaitlyn Schiess” about the doctrine of the harrowing of hell. After that, Kaitlyn interviews Michael Wear, the founder and president of The Center for Christianity and Public Life.

0:00 - Intro
2:01 - Christian Asks... What actually happens after we die?
19:21 - Getting Schooled by Kaitlyn Schiess: The Harrowing of Hell 101
52:23 - With God Daily
Interview with Michael Wear
Michael Wear -
The Center for Christianity & Public Life -

53:19 - Michael Wear intro
53:55 - Faith journey
1:01:46 - Politics journey
1:07:15 - Center for Christianity and Public Life overview
1:12:21 - Spiritual formation and policies
1:25:25 - Pre-2024 formation
1:30:09 - Credits
“He Descended to the Dead: An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday” by Matthew Y. Emerson -

“The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ” by Fleming Rutledge -

“Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why It Matters” by Thomas McCall -

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The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:12pm CST

What were the most important stories of 2022? Phil, Skye, and Christian discuss the embrace of Christian Nationalism, political and cultural issues dividing evangelicalism, and how Twitter has deteriorated into a middle school lunchroom food fight. They also discuss their predictions for 2023 including the frightening rise of A.I., and how a bus could bring Americans together. The hosts are also interrupted by an unexpected guest who wants to set the record straight about the War on Christmas, and why Phil is on the “Naughty List.” Plus, everyone’s favorite Christmas songs, hymns, and movies, and cows flee a live Nativity.

Patreon Bonus: Christian Asks... What is the biblical definition of “heaven”? -

0:00 - Intro
3:10 - Favorite carols and movies
7:32 - Cows escape nativity event
10:51 - Secret guest segment
25:39 - Stories from 2022
1:08:28 - Predictions for 2023
1:13:15 - Credits

“After cows escaped its live nativity event, this North Carolina church had a not-so-silent night” -

“Unitarians and Episcopalians Created American Christmas” by Daniel K. Williams (Christianity Today) -

“13 stranded strangers took a road trip to Knoxville - here’s what happened” -

“Nostradamus predictions 2023: World War III, new Pope, Mars landing and more” -

Mike Erre -

Mike Erre’s podcast -

Holy Post website:

Thanks to Patreon supporters for sitting in on the live recording of this week’s episode! For more information about our Patreon, visit:

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST

A Texas megachurch is facing criticism after a viral TikTok video showed a rehearsal of its Christmas production with drummers flying over the crowd on wires. The church says it’s simply offering its best to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Critics say it’s an extravagant violation of Jesus’ humble spirit. Who’s right? New data says Americans are far more isolated and lonely than ever before, and it’s not because of Covid. Is the church the solution or part of the problem? And a researcher offers three surprising explanations for why the decline of religion in the U.S. didn’t start until the 1990s. Then, Old Testament scholar Carmen Imes answers questions about the book of Exodus. Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? What does it really mean to take God’s name in vain? And how do all of the details about the tabernacle apply to Christians today?

Patreon Bonus: Getting Schooled by Kaitlyn Schiess: Mary 101 -

Holy Post merch store -

News Segment
0:00 - Intro
2:49 - Megachurch Christmas production
21:12 - Loneliness
39:01- Why Americans are leaving their churches
53:29 - Sponsor: Faithful Counseling
Get 10% off your first month at

54:35 - Sponsor: Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology
Visit for more information and to apply today.

Interview with Carmen Imes
BibleProject Classroom on Exodus -

Carmen Imes -

55:42 - Interview intro
57:16 - Why Exodus is important
58:55 - Pharoah’s heart being hardened
1:03:58 - Taking the Lord’s name in vain
1:10:54 - Tabernacle
1:19:05 - Golden calf story
1:26:05 - BibleProject Exodus course

Links mentioned in news segment:
Holy Post 529: Rapture Anxiety and Why Analog Discipleship is Better with Jay Y. Kim -

“Texas Megachurch responds to backlash over opulent Christmas show” (Houston Chronicle) -

“Americans are choosing to be alone. Here’s why we should reverse that” (Washington Post) -

“Why Americans are leaving their churches” (Religion News Service) -

Other resources:
“Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters” by Carmen Joy Imes -

Carmen Imes on YouTube -

Holy Post website:

Holy Post Patreon:

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Reactions to last week’s show were strong. The Holy Post crew responds to listener feedback about LGBTQ representation in movies and Al Mohler’s defense of conservatism. Former SBC president, Johnny Hunt, was removed from ministry for sexual assault, but last week four ministry colleagues decided it was time to “restore” him. When should disgraced pastors return to ministry, and have congregational and non-denominational churches proven to be incapable of holding toxic leaders accountable? A new Twitter scandal offers more evidence that Christian Nationalism is a mask for racism and misogyny. Then, friend of the podcast Drew Dyck is back to recommend four books covering topics like the formative power of suffering, new medical research about addiction, the best way to read through the Bible, and a novel about Ireland in the 1980s. Plus, Drew’s war against fake Christmas trees.

Patreon Bonus: Christian Asks...Does God use calamities to discipline us? -

Holy Post merch store:

News Segment
0:00 - Intro
3:36 - Last week debrief
21:22 - Rotten pastoral restoration
31:25 - Christian nationalism and kinism
47:43 - Sponsor: Faithful Counseling
Get 10% off your first month at

Interview with Drew Dyck
Drew Dyck -

48:49 - Drew’s Views intro
49:48 - Christmas trees
52:53 - Book 1: “Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen”
58:05 - Book 2: “The Myth of Normal”
1:14:20 - Book 3: “Small Things Like These”
1:18:44 - Book 4: “52 Weeks in the Word”

Drew’s book recommendations:
“Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen: How God Redeems Regret, Hurt, and Fear in the Making of Better Humans” by Scott Sauls -

“The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture” by Gabor Maté -

“Small Things Like These” (a novel) by Claire Keegan -

“52 Weeks in the Word: A Companion for Reading Through the Bible in a Year” by Trillia J. Newbell -

Other links mentioned:
Last week’s Holy Post episode, 537 -

Holy Post website:

Holy Post Patreon:

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Direct download: HP538.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST

For more than a century, the American church has been arguing about the exact scope and boundaries of God’s mission. Is the gospel narrowly about the redemption of people’s souls, or does it also care about redeeming the world, society, and broken systems? In other words, is justice part of God’s gospel mission? The way we answer that question has massive implications for what work we believe ultimately matters. This debate has torn the American church apart, but it’s not one shared by many of our sisters and brothers around the world where a holistic vision of God’s mission is just assumed rather than contested. Pastor Luis Luna from Honduras joins Skye Jethani to discuss why he doesn’t separate the care of people’s souls, from the care of their bodies, or the reformation of society. And how this holistic approach to mission sometimes creates problems when well-meaning American Christians bring their narrow definition of the gospel to Central America.


“Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church” by Eric Costanzo, Daniel Yang, and Matthew Soerens -

0:00 - Intro

Interview with Luis Luna
2:41 - Luis’ community and immigration
7:51 - Americans and cross-cultural mission
16:45 - Collaborative vision of mission
20:08 - Social justice and the gospel
26:43 - Social reform

35:09 - Sponsor - World Relief
Join the Path:

Debrief with Matthew Soerens and Eric Costanzo
37:22 - Positive role of short-term missions?
43:15 - Measuring successful mission
47:25 - Systemic problems and changes
57:50 - Gen Z hope
1:02:54 - Credits

Other resources mentioned:
Association For a More Just Society -

Holy Post website:

Holy Post Patreon:

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v Hodges that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage. With the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, some are concerned Obergefell may be overturned next. Recently, David French wrote an article supporting a bipartisan bill to protect the legal right to same-sex marriage, and he’s faced an avalanche of criticism for it. In this episode, he talks with Skye Jethani about the Respect for Marriage Act and responds to the critics who say the bill is a threat to religious liberty. French also explains why he’s changed his mind about civil same-sex marriage while remaining opposed to it theologically.

0:00 - Intro
00:28 - Respect for Marriage Act and David’s articles
28:37 - Criticism 1: Religious liberty protections
38:03 - Criticism 2: Cultural concerns
1:02:26 - Credits

“Pluralism Has Life Left in It Yet” by David French (The Atlantic) -

“Why I Changed My Mind About Law And Marriage, Again” by David French (The Dispatch) -

“The parable of David French” by R. Albert Mohler Jr. (World) -

“An Open Letter to Those Who Think I’ve Lost My Christian Faith” by David French (The Dispatch) -

David French:

Holy Post website:

Holy Post Patreon:



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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST