The Holy Post

With the world being rocked by a pandemic and protests, many are seeing signs of the end times predicted by the Bible. Are they right? Some say they are misreading the signs. Others argue they’re misreading the Bible itself. Biblical scholar, Dr. Juan Hernandez, is back to discuss the right way—and the wrong way—to engage one of the most mysterious, and misread, book in the Bible. Also this week, what does “white privilege” actually mean and why do so many people react to the term? Evangelicals are upset about “cancel culture” but did they actually invent it? And learn how to avoid paying a farting fine in Austria. (Hint—it’s all about intestinal intent.)


Evangelicals perfected cancel culture. Now it’s coming for them. - Religion
Austria: man fined for farting ‘with full intent’ at police - ABC
Direct download: HP410.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm CST

Can a tweet really change anyone’s mind? Do hashtags and slogans help engagement or shut it down? The Holy Post crew discuss what they’re learning about effective communication following the publication of Skye’s op-ed in USA Today and the release of Phil’s viral video on the history of racism. Also this week, the Supreme Court protects LGBT citizens from employment discrimination. What does it mean for religious organizations? Is there a difference between saying “Black Lives Matter” and supporting the organization with that name? Plus, why is Jerry Falwell Jr. apologizing?

If you would like a special opportunity to see Christian’s upcoming film, The Girl Who Wore Freedom, please donate a minimum of $25 here:, and send your receipt to You will then receive further instructions. 

Direct download: HP409.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:54am CST

As the country is rocked by protests following the murder of George Floyd, the podcast crew discusses the meaning of it all. Phil explains how being a part of a multiethnic church has opened his eyes to the challenges people of color still face. Christian reflects on her southern, segregated upbringing. And Skye shares about the racism he’s experienced in the church and the suburbs. Also this week, theologian Matthew Bates explains the ongoing, sometimes bitter debate over the definition of the Gospel. Is it really about personal salvation or something much, much bigger?

Direct download: HP408_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am CST

Some Christian communities are uncomfortable with challenging questions, doubts, and even curiosity. They prefer to keep life and faith in a neatly wrapped package. Jen Hatmaker came from such a community, but growing in her faith required more space to explore. Her spiritual curiosity came at a heavy price. This week the podcast crew talks with Hatmaker about her story, what she’s learned, and what it might mean for the future of Christians in our pluralist culture.

Show Notes:

Direct download: HP407.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13pm CST