The Holy Post

What events would bring the most people back to church? Which celebrity has Rick Warren’s book helped now? Are American Christians “persecuted” in their own special way? Are astronauts too boring for reality TV? And what failure of the church might be driving people to Donald Trump? Christianity Today editor Katelyn Beaty joins Skye and Phil to run through a grab bag of issues in this particularly nutty installment of the podcast!

Direct download: Podcast_EP215_Audio_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45am CST

What can we learn from this crazy year in American politics? Is it ever appropriate for Christians to vote “none of the above?” How do our various Christian traditions shape our views of church and state? Author and political science professor Amy Black joins the gang for a rousing discussion - this week on the podcast!

Direct download: Podcast_EP214_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm CST

Bibles have changed radically in the last 200 years as publishers have added more and more features and launched countless variations. But is this a good thing? Author Glenn Paauw believes our modernistic changes have radically altered the way we engage with Scripture, and not for the better. It's a fascinating conversation inspired by his new book, Saving the Bible From Ourselves

Direct download: Podcast_EP213_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm CST

Democrats are talking about God and faith at their convention while the Republican candidate neglects the almighty in his acceptance speech and says absolutely nothing about abortion. What bizarro universe is this?? Plus, tips for surviving the election season, and listener questions for Skye about the nature of church. Today on the podcast!

Direct download: Podcast_EP212_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm CST

Do churches put too little emphasis on what we actually do 9-5? Phil and Skye broadcast from a lodge at beautiful Lake Okoboji in northwest Iowa in front of a crowd of Iowan pastors! They’re joined by Kansas City pastor Tom Nelson, author of Work Matters, for a far-ranging discussion on the Godly call of all work and the damage done by a false sacred/secular divide and the separation of Sunday morning from Monday morning. This week on the podcast!

Direct download: Podcast_211_Mixdown_1_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:26pm CST