The Holy Post

This week's podcast kicks off with a discussion on dragons, followed by Skye's take on Halloween! Can it be used for good? AND other news predicts satellite-driven mega-churches are the future of the church... Can it be true? Listen to find out!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP23_10-29-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Skye shares his thoughts after returning from the Global Church Forum and then the guys answer listener questions - ranging from religion vs. relationship to science vs. creation! PLUS a discussion around a recent Pew study that says America is less than 50% Protestant Christian for the first time in history. This week on the podcast!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP22_10-18-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Phil hosts the podcast by himself this week with special guest singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson! They discuss the path of Andrew's career, as well as his latest album, Light for the Lost Boy, his novels, and his online storytelling community The Rabbit Room.

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP21_10-10-2012_with_Andrew_Peterson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

BusinessWeek names the 50 best cities in the America! How does a city garner the title? And what's all the fuss about stay-at-home dads? The crew discusses this and more before Phil interviews film producer Todd Komarnicki of acclaimed Elf fame about his experience as a Christian in Hollywood. This week on the podcast!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP20_10-03-2012_with_Todd_Komarnicki.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Phil and Skye share conference experiences, singer-songwriters wear spacesuits, and What's in the Bible becomes a best-seller! AND the latest photos from the Hubble Telescope set off another discussion on faith, science, and atheism! Whoopee!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP19_09-28-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST