The Holy Post

Slavery ended in America with the stroke of a pen in 1865, but the 13th Amendment didn't end institutional racism.  Not even close.  Phil and his law professor brother Rob recently taught a class that touched on the Black Lives Matter movement, asking and attempting to answer the question, “Why so angry?  Isn’t racism over?”  Sure, the 19th century was tough. But what’s happened since then?  Phil mentioned the class on a recent podcast, and numerous listeners wanted to hear more.  So… here we go!  From Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter, we take a look at the last 125 years of race relations in America!

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Are movies a form of prayer?  Josh Larsen, film critic and host of NPR’s Filmspotting radio show and podcast, joins the gang to talk movies and his new book, Movies Are Prayers, where he looks at movies and finds in them classic forms of Christian prayer.  Also - thoughts about Charlottesville, race, and in the words of one social critic, “What’s wrong with white Christians?”  This week on the podcast!

Direct download: 265Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Do you know how to see?  Really?  And how does “seeing” affect our faith?  Best-selling author James Gilmore (The Experience Economy) swings by to talk about his new book, Look: A Practical Guide to Improving Your Observational Skills.  Plus, the wedding of the future probably won’t be in a church, and may involve more than two people.  And science disproves the Bible yet again!  Or not.  This week on the podcast!

Direct download: 264Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

What do you mean my church can’t raise my kids for me??  Family ministry expert Rob Rienow joins Phil and Skye to talk about the importance of discipling kids at home, and gives practical advice for doing just that.  Plus, what do Richard Dawkins and The Bible Answer Man have in common?  They’ve been DE-PLATFORMED!  And a new theory suggests our increasing political extremism may be caused - at least partly - by the decline of mainline Protestantism??  Crazy!!

Direct download: 263Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST