The Holy Post

Christians have been fighting to change abortion laws for decades now.  What if the solution to abortion wasn’t in politics, but in the local church?  Angie Wezsley joins the podcast to talk about her ministry, “ProGrace,” that seeks to change the dialogue about one of our thorniest cultural topics.  Plus, pastor says, “I can walk on water,” crocodiles say, “No you can’t!"  This week on the podcast!

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

What if you could explain the Bible to the whole world?  Visually?  On YouTube?  Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins are doing just that with The Bible Project, a theologically rich, crowd-funded visual guide to the Bible that has earned more than 23 million views on YouTube.  We’re big fans, so we’ve got them on the show to tell us what they’re up to and what they’ve learned trying to explain the Bible to, well, everyone on Earth.  PLUS - “faith-based” films.  Does the label help or hurt Christian filmmaking?  This week on the podcast!

Direct download: Final253.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Who is God? No, really. This is the single-most important question determining how we live our lives, according to our guest John Mark Comer, whose book God Has a Name explores the nature of the God of the Bible, how we get him horribly wrong, and why getting him right is so vital. Plus… how do you know if you’ve left evangelicalism? And why was British comedian Stephen Fry just investigated for blasphemy??

Want us to send you the prologue to John Mark Comer’s book for free? Just click here:

Direct download: 252Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19pm CST

Phil and the gang open the virtual mailbag and answer a host of questions from listeners.  Will social media bring about a new Reformation?  How do you know if a doctrine is “essential?”  Does Skye have anything GOOD to say about the American church?  Favorite faith films, and more!  This week on the podcast!

Direct download: 251Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Is religion good? Or bad? If we try to get rid of it entirely, does that help? Or just make things worse? And how do so many people get the basic message of Jesus so completely wrong? Today we dive into Skye Jethani's new book – What’s Wrong With Religion? – to wrestle with some absolutely fundamental questions about walking with Jesus.

Plus - education and church attendance might go hand-in-hand after all, and a great worship band might not be what your church needs most. Oh… and muddy jeans as a sign of the end times. Really expensive ones.

You can download the first two chapters of Skye’s new book for free by clicking here. Check it out! Tell your friends! It’s a fun read (with pictures and everything!) that could actually change your life, or the life of someone you love.

Direct download: 250Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm CST