The Holy Post

Alien-searching super telescopes?  Man of Steel sponsored sermons?  And what's a Christian to do when their faith is lumped in with "crazy religion?"  Phil and Skye both have colds and Christian is out of town, but thought-provoking conversation still manages to occur.  More or less.

Direct download: PV_podcast_EP56_06-12-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm CST

Listeners chime in about the Boy Scouts leading to a deeper conversation about homosexuality and the church, Jennifer Lopez's new TV show, plus five supposedly "compelling" reasons marriage wasn't supposed to monogamous. (And we finally find out what became of Skye's runaway car!)

Direct download: PV_podcast_EP55_06-05-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47am CST

Is the Pope spouting heresy?  Should churches boot the Boy Scouts?  And special guest anthropologist Brian Howell talks about his new book on the peculiar anthropological phenomenon known as the "short term missions trip."  (We aren't kidding.)  Check it all out on this week's Phil Vischer Podcast!

Direct download: PV_podcast_EP54_05-31-2013_with_Brian_Howell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm CST