The Holy Post

British Prime Minister David Cameron and Louisiana try to out-Christian each other, and journalist Camerin Courtney joins the gang to discuss the state of Christians and all the Christiany movies we're supposed to really really like ("Heaven is for Real," "God's Not Dead") or really really hate ("Noah"). Can't we just go see the movies we WANT to see?

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP99_04-25-14_with_Camerin_Courtney.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Special guest Andy Crouch from Christianity Today magazine joins the podcast today to talk about the latest Christianity Today cover story on N.T. Wright. Who is this bearded British theologian, and why is he having such a huge impact on the church?

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP98_04-18-2014_with_Andy_Crouch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

A few months ago Phil reviewed the new book "A Manuel for Creating Atheists" by Dr. Peter Boghossian, and took issue with Bogghossian's definition of "faith." Numerous supporters of the book engaged the issue, and a lively debate continued online for more than a month. Several defenders challenged Phil to have the author on the podcast to explain his position, so this week Phil is joined by Dr. Peter Bogghossian himself for a lengthy but fascinating conversation about faith, knowledge, and the "reasonableness" (or lack thereof) of Christian belief. Can a creator of Christian vegetables and an atheist evangelist get along for an entire hour?? Tune in to find out!

Direct download: PV_Podcast_EP97_04-11-2014_with_Peter_Boghossian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am CST