The Holy Post

Guns kill an average of 105 Americans every day. Shane Claiborne is on a mission to change that with a converted school bus and a forge. He is literally beating guns into gardening tools & challenging our culture’s addiction to violence in the process. He talks with Skye about the legal and spiritual problem we’re facing. Also this week... Experts warned Netflix its series “13 Reasons Why” would cause an increase in teen suicide. That’s exactly what happened but Netflix doesn’t seem to care. Have the Harry Potter books replaced the Bible as Millennials’ foundational text? And why are more Americans impervious to facts?

Direct download: HP353.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34pm CST

Are yoga pants causing an increase in liposuction? Phil links the popularity of tight-fitting “athleisure” clothing to rising insecurity about one’s physical appearance. Televangelists are selling gold Trump prayer coins featuring the President and King Cyrus. And the crew talks about the new strict abortion laws in Alabama and Georgia. Skye explains why overturning Roe v. Wade won’t solve the issue. And has tribal politics made a common-sense compromise on the issue impossible? Plus, Phil’s VeggieTales partner and voice of Larry the Cucumber, Mike Nawrocki, talks about his newest project. `

Direct download: HP452.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm CST

Skye often tries to bring economics into the show’s theological discussions. This week his dream comes true with guests Brian Fikkert (an economist) and Kelly Kapic (a theologian), co-authors of “Becoming Whole.” They say our ideas about God’s mission are too entangled with Western materialism on the one hand, and not material enough on the other. This conversation will really challenge your assumptions. Also this week, the IRS says the Satanic Temple is a legitimate religion, The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue now has a model in a burka and hijab, and should we be happy or worried about Kanye West talking a lot about Jesus and leading “Sunday Service” concerts?

Direct download: HP351.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm CST

Jesus told us to “not judge,” but what does that really mean? In a special segment called “Christian Asks...” normally only available to Holy Post’s Patreon supporters, Skye and Christian discuss what it means to live with discernment but not judgment in a pluralistic culture. While talking about capital punishment, gay marriage, and immigration, they unpack why fundamentalism on both the right and left is so appealing, and why we must avoid both. Also this week—a new parody movie called “Faith-Based” has the crew asking what makes something “faith-based”? And does overlooking Trump’s immorality while condemning Bill Clinton’s make white evangelicals hypocritical Christians or faithful Republicans?

Direct download: HP350.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm CST

It’s a potpourri week on the podcast. Phil sees evidence of God in self-sacrificing insects. Former congresswoman Michelle Bachman calls Trump “highly biblical” and “godly.” Skye would like to reverse engineer what Bible she’s reading. Scientists find a link between fundamentalism and brain damage. Plus, Drew Dyck is back to discuss why democracy is failing everywhere and the magical thinking behind multi-level marketing.

Direct download: HP349.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm CST