The Holy Post

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case about a public high school football coach who prays on the field. Is he violating the First Amendment because he’s a state-funded employee engaging in religious activity on the job? Or, is his religious expression protected by the First Amendment? David French explains the court’s history on public school teachers and free speech, why he thinks the coach is likely to win, and why religious liberty protections have never been stronger. Then, French talks about his first encounter with Critical Race Theory as a law student at Harvard 30 years ago. Skye asks, if CRT has been around for so long, why is it only now being seen as a threat to both America and Christianity? French explains how the definition of CRT has changed, how it’s been leveraged by media voices on the political right since 2020, and why the issue of race may be leading to a new schism in the American church.

00:00 - Intro

00:45 - Football Prayer “Why We Fight About Football Prayers” -

31:07 - CRT hysteria “How the Fight Over Critical Race Theory Became a Religious War” -

“Racial Compromise and Complicity at Grove City College” -

1:04:05 - Credits

Direct download: FF8_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

The battle between Governor DeSantis and Disney is heating up in Florida. The culture war may be good for politicians, but why is it bad for Christians? Then, a former White House spokesperson says if Christians want to win the culture war they need to have more babies. Kaitlyn and Skye explain why that strategy contradicts the New Testament. Phil looks at Grove City College’s anti-CRT statement and why the school’s attack on Jemar Tisby amounts to revisionist history. Then, Kaitlyn talks with Rachel Anderson from the Center for Public Justice about her advocacy for paid family leave, why the policy is proven to reduce abortions, and how it fits with Christian theology and ethics. Plus, Phil is building a big beautiful wall.

News Segment
0:00 - Intro
6:15 - DeSantis vs. Disney
25:36 - Christian babies and culture wars

38:07 - Grove City College and Jemar Tisby

47:57 - Faithful Counseling

Interview with Rachel Anderson
Center for Public Justice:
Families Valued Policy Resources:

49:08 - Interview intro
53:28 - Paid family leave policies overview
1:01:51 - Theological framework for paid family leave
1:04:25 - Defining family and its purpose
1:07:43 - Difficulties in implementing paid family leave policy in US
1:11:12 - Citizenship as a collective activity
1:16:22 - Resources

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

In a lengthy article in The Atlantic, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains how social media has made our entire society more stupid in the last decade, and compares the disunity it’s causing to the Tower of Babel. Phil, Skye, and Christian discuss the article and what can be done to reverse the trends. Then, pastor Albert Tate talks about his new book, “How We Love Matters: A Call to Practice Relentless Racial Reconciliation.” By sharing personal stories, Tate says we must learn to live with being offended, commit to community, and love anyway. Plus, teenage gorillas are getting too much screen time.

News Segment
0:00 - Intro and updates
3:03 - Fasting from whiteness

6:16 - Gorillas, teens, and screen time
13:35 - Stupid social media
“Why the Past 10 Years of American Live Have Been Uniquely Stupid” by Jonathan Haidt -

Holy Post episode 495 with Robert Tracy McKenzie-

Unbelievable? The Conference -

Interview with Albert Tate
Albert Tate -
“How We Love Matters: A Call to Practice Relentless Racial Reconciliation” -

47:51 - Interview intro
49:42 - Committing to community
53:48 - Loving while offended
1:00:07 - When to stay and when to leave
1:04:29 - Generational trauma/injustice and generational privilege
1:18:09 - Hope for the American church
1:24:48 - Credits

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Conservative political rallies and protests are increasingly using Christian worship music. How is this different than the role of faith in the Civil Rights movement, and why should Christians on all sides be cautious about attaching God’s name to their activism? Then, new data says Trump’s presidency dramatically altered attitudes about race and prejudice in America. And Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn respond to listener questions about last week’s episode on Disney and LGBTQ representation. Then, author and editor Drew Dyck is back for another round of media recommendations. This installment of “Dyck’s Picks” includes a book on deconstruction, some Easter-themed poetry, and a TV drama with something to say to the church about ethics and the culture war. Plus, beware of un-Lucky Charms.

News Segment:
0:00 - Intro
With God Daily:

5:22 - News of the Butt

8:10 - Listener responses to last week’s episode

20:25 - Political worship rallies

37:43 - Trump’s racial topography

48:05 - Faithful Counseling

Dyck’s Picks with Drew Dyck:
49:16 - Interview intro
51:31 - Pick 1: “Fractured Faith” by Lina AbuJamra

1:1:15 - Pick 2: Yellowstone (TV series)
1:13:20 - Pick 3: “Bower Lodge” by Paul J. Pastor

1:19:23 - Final story: “With” by Skye Jethani

1:24:14 - Credits

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST

The feud between Florida’s governor and Disney is getting hotter with new leaked footage of a Disney executive speaking about the company’s goals for LGBTQ representation. What are both the Right and Left getting wrong in the debate, and why should we see sexual orientation and gender identity as different from race? Also, new studies show an alarming rise in mental health disorders among teens, but there’s some good news for those involved in religious communities. Plus, Derwin Gray is back to talk about his new book, “How to Heal our Racial Divide.” He shares how his church is taking the call for racial reconciliation “from the seats to the streets,” and why so many church leaders remain afraid to talk about race.

News Segment

0:00 - Intro and updates

3:30 - Disney controversy update

26:43 - Teen mental health

31:34 - Religion, college, and mental health

Interview with Derwin Gray “How to Heal Our Racial Divide” -

Derwin Gray -

45:44 - Intro

47:18 - Book overview

49:01 - Multiethnic churches and resistance from leaders

1:01:13 - Christian responsibility in fixing unjust systems

1:09:09 - Police

1:17:11 - Importance of mourning

1:26:24 - Credits

Other resources mentioned: Holy Post episode 458: “The Gospel Demands Multiethnic Churches” -

Derwin Gray’s IG live with former CMPD Chief, Kerr Putney:

The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST