Fri, 29 April 2022
The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case about a public high school football coach who prays on the field. Is he violating the First Amendment because he’s a state-funded employee engaging in religious activity on the job? Or, is his religious expression protected by the First Amendment? David French explains the court’s history on public school teachers and free speech, why he thinks the coach is likely to win, and why religious liberty protections have never been stronger. Then, French talks about his first encounter with Critical Race Theory as a law student at Harvard 30 years ago. Skye asks, if CRT has been around for so long, why is it only now being seen as a threat to both America and Christianity? French explains how the definition of CRT has changed, how it’s been leveraged by media voices on the political right since 2020, and why the issue of race may be leading to a new schism in the American church. 00:00 - Intro 00:45 - Football Prayer “Why We Fight About Football Prayers” - 31:07 - CRT hysteria “How the Fight Over Critical Race Theory Became a Religious War” - “Racial Compromise and Complicity at Grove City College” - 1:04:05 - Credits |