The Holy Post

Phil catches up with friend-of-the-show Esau McCaulley (New Testament Professor, NYT columnist, author of CT Book of the Year Reading While Black) for a wide-ranging conversation. Why do we keep getting MLK wrong? What do Black voices give up in order to be invited into white spaces, and is there a better way? What does McCaulley do to refocus on Jesus? And why did he decide his new book should be about, of all things, Lent??

McCaulley is a deep thinker AND a little bit of a goofball. Which makes his conversations with Phil always worth your time.


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0:46 - Intro

2:36 - Esau McCaulley interview

5:43 Martin Luther King Jr. 

21:43 Systemic racism

28:01 Black voices in white spaces

41:50 Lent

45:58 End Credits


Links mentioned 


The Kind of Revolution That Martin Luther King Jr. Envisioned  by Esau McCaulley




Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal (Fullness of Time, 1) by Esau McCaulley


Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley


Josey Johnson's Hair and the Holy Spirit by Esau McCaulley


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST