The Holy Post

The feminist movement has made significant advances in the last 50 years, but data indicates men are falling behind. Fewer men then women are graduating from college, deaths of despair are highest among men, and the phrase “toxic masculinity” is ubiquitous in the culture. Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn discuss Christine Emba’s new article seeking a positive vision for masculinity and why it’s elusive to both the right and left. Then, Kaitlyn talked to Justin Giboney from the And Campaign about the upcoming 2024 election. How can Christians avoid the partisan polarization and culture war extremism? Giboney says we should be like Jesus who took firm positions on issues of his day, but he did not pick sides. And he explains the wisdom of the historic Black church with its commitment to Scripture and justice. Also this week, what is God trying to tell us through a surfing sea otter?

Patreon Bonus: 

Christian Asks - What does it mean to keep the Sabbath?

0:00 - Intro


1:34 - Show Starts


5:22 - Theme Song


5:41 - Sponsor - Magic Spoon

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7:24 - Animal News


15:57 - Masculinity


1:03:03 - Sponsor - No Small Endeavor Podcast

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1:01:56 - Sponsor - Caldera Lab

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1:04:44 - Interview Intro


1:06:10 - Lessons learned since 2020


1:14:19 - The third way


1:26:28 - The And Campaign


1:41:14 - End Credits

Links mentioned in news segment:


Surfing sea otter steals surfboards, eludes capture


Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness


Chistine Emba’s previous appearance on The Holy Post

Other resources:


The And Campaign:


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CDT