The Holy Post

Phil and the gang are out on vacation, so we’re repeating a classic episode. A discussion with Old Testament scholar and friend of the show Dr. John Walton about his book – “The Lost World of Adam and Eve.” Were Adam and Eve real people? Were they created immortal? And what’s with that crazy “No really – God made you from my rib” story? Worth a second listen! 

Direct download: Podcast_EP146_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm CDT

No one seems to agree on anything anymore in America. Law professor and author John Inazu joins Phil and Skye to talk about living Christianly in a pluralistic society, and his new book, “Confident Pluralism.

Direct download: Podcast_EP207_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am CDT

There are more refugees in the world now than at any other time in history. World Relief’s Matthew Soerens joins us to talk about the crisis, the politics, and what we as the church can do about it.

Direct download: Podcast_EP206_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:24pm CDT

Devotions! The kind you might have in the morning! Or not. Phil, Skye and Christian talk about daily devotions - what they do, what works for them, what might work for you, too. Also, Mel Gibson is back, Baptists forget who they are, and adult baby diapers. Not adult diapers. Baby diapers. For adults. Yeah, we don’t get it either.

Direct download: Podcast_EP205_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm CDT

Gorillas in Cincinnati! Atheists Find God! Christian music is relentlessly happy! Katelyn Beatty joins the podcast to talk through apes, atheists, and much, much more.

Direct download: Podcast_EP204Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm CDT