Fri, 27 December 2024
The MeToo movement was a huge cultural movement—but now, many major government leaders with sexual abuse scandals under their belt seem to go under the radar—how did we get to this point? And what about the aftermath of the ChurchToo movement? David and Skye discuss this, as well as a case in the Supreme Court about Tennessee’s ban on transgender medical intervention for kids.
0:00 - Theme Song
0:17 - Show Begins
7:19 - MeToo as a Christian Ethic
12:34 - False Safety in Christian Subculture
22:48 - The Bad Patterns in the Aftermath
28:45 - Bon on Transgender Medical Intervention for Kids
35:14 - Rational Basis Example
44:45 - Tattoos and Parental Consent
52:09 - David’s Prediction on the Court Ruling
58:15 - Looking Forward to Superman
1:06:23 - End Credits
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Wed, 25 December 2024
Merry Christmas! In celebrity conversion news, Denzel Washington got baptized at his church in Harlem just days before his 70th birthday and became a licensed minister, and New York Times columnist, David Brooks, has written about his surprising journey from agnosticism to Christianity. What do these stories tell us about our culture’s ongoing hunger for God? On the other side, David French explains why some Christians now think cruelty is acceptable. New Testament scholar, Nijay Gupta, is back to talk about what the Gospels actually say about Jesus’ birth, and what our Christmas pageants get right and very wrong about the story. Also this week—an airport in New Zealand bans hugs longer than three minutes
Sponsor - Logos Bible Study App: If you want to simplify your study and go deeper into Scripture, visit You can get started for free with an exclusive extended 2-month free trial.
Sponsor - Hiya Health - Go to to receive 50% off your first order Sponsor - Faithful Counseling - This episode is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Give online therapy a try at and get 10% off
Links Mentioned in the News Segment Is this airport’s 3-minute limit on goodbye hugs ‘inhumane’?,and%20serotonin%2C%20De%20Bono%20said
Denzel Washington Gets Baptized and Becomes a Minister During Live Streamed Ceremony: 'It Took a While but I'm Here'
Opinion | The Shock of Faith: It’s Nothing Like I Thought It Would Be
Wed, 18 December 2024
A Catholic bishop, with a social media following second only to the Pope, is proving that dumbing down the faith is the wrong way to reach young adults. But is his celebrity status getting in the way? A new study finds the most generous people are also the most likely to consistently read the Bible. Kaitlyn talks to Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez about telling the truth to the church out of love. Her new book, “Being a Sanctuary,” is honest about the harms many churches are causing, but also shows how the church is the key to healing. Also this week—rat race cars in Froot Loop land.
Holy Post Plus Hills to Die On:
0:00 - Intro
1:19 - Show Starts
2:42 - Theme Song
3:03 - Sponsor - Aura Frames - Exclusive $45-off Carver Matte at Use code HOLYPOST at checkout to save!
4:06- Sponsor - Blueland - Get up to 25% off your first order by going to
5:16 - Skye’s Dead Salmon Hat
8:15 - Rats Driving Little Cars!
12:50 - Rats Love Driving Little Cars!
21:26 - Bible-Readers Donate More?
25:38 - Are Bible-Readers More Communal?
37:50 - Father Robert Barron
48:33- Sponsor - Glorify - Sign up for the #1 Christian Daily Devotional App to help you stay focused on God. Go to to download the app today!
49:36 - Sponsor - AG1 - Heavily researched, thoroughly purity-tested, and filled with stuff you need. Go to
50:55 - Interview
53:32 - Why Did She Write Being a Sanctuary?
56:38 - The Starbucks Church Model
1:03:25 - Disagreeing Within the Church
1:13:05 - Approaching Looking for a New Church
1:24:20 - End Credits
Links Mentioned in the News Segment: Bishop Robert Barron:
Rats Driving Little Cars!
Christians Who Read Bible Are More Charitable:
Other resources: Being a Sanctuary: The Radical Way for the Body of Christ to Be Sacred, Soft, and Safe by Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez:
Holy Post website:
Holy Post Plus:
Holy Post Patreon:
Holy Post Merch Store:
The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Wed, 11 December 2024
More Americans than ever are single but they’re not happy about it. A new article in The Atlantic examines how the sexes are drifting apart, why more men are looking for a partner than women, and the side-effects of using an app rather than community to find a date. Then, political scientist Hahrie Han’s new book “Undivided” explores why the racial solidarity program at an evangelical megachurch was more successful than corporate DEI programs, and how that success created unexpected challenges for the predominantly white church. Also this week: the Swiss make an A.I. Jesus, and a Chicago school kid makes a medical breakthrough.
Holy Post Plus Bonus Interview:
0:00 - Intro
1:08 - Show Starts
2:47 - Theme Song
3:09 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food - Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.
4:13 - Sponsor - Hiya Health - Go to to receive 50% off your first order
5:21 - Listener Shirt Sent In
9:26 - News of the Butt
12:46 - AI Jesus Confessional
16:04 - Why Not an AI Priest?
21:46 - Are People Dating Anymore?
27:17 - Men’s Delayed Adulthood
34:45 - The Church as Family
51:42 - Sponsor - Glorify - Sign up for the #1 Christian Daily Devotional App to help you stay focused on God. Go to to download the app today!
52:47 - Sponsor - Aura Frames - Exclusive $45-off Carver Matte at Use code HOLYPOST at checkout to save!
53:53 - Sponsor - Go to and use code HOLYPOST to get 10% off site wide on beautiful cookware!
54:58 - Interview
58:00 - Why Write About the Undivided Program?
1:09:06 - What Problems Did Undivided’s Success Cause?
1:18:23 - Jesus and “Being Apolitical”
1:29:13 - End Credits
Links Mentioned in the News Segment: Swiss ‘AI Jesus’
The Death of America Romance
Other resources: Undivided: The Quest for Racial Solidarity in an American Church by Hahrie Han:
Holy Post website:
Holy Post Plus:
Holy Post Patreon:
Holy Post Merch Store:
The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Wed, 4 December 2024
Many ideas about the end times including the role of Israel, the mark of the beast, and the rapture became popular through Hal Lindsey’s best-selling book from the 1970s, “The Late Great Planet Earth.” Lindsay died last week at 95. We discuss his legacy and how his book is still shaping the American church long after most of its theology has been debunked. Then, Kaitlyn talks to Douglas McKelvey about his series of prayer books, “Every Moment Holy.” He explains the value of using written prayers and not just spontaneous ones, and how to find God in the ordinary activities of life. Also this week—why are Bible sales way up but church attendance still declining? And 80’s orca fashion makes a comeback.
Holy Post Plus My Hill to Die On: Tipping
0:00 - Intro
1:50 - Show Starts
3:29 - Theme Song
3:50 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food - Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.
4:53 - Sponsor - AG1 - Heavily researched, thoroughly purity-tested, and filled with stuff you need. Go to
6:14 - Orcas Wearing Fish Hats
13:22 - Hal Lindsey and End Times
26:51 - End Times and an Enchanted World
32:26 - Bible Sales Up!
42:07 - Sponsor - Aura Frames - Exclusive $45-off Carver Matte at Use code HOLYPOST at checkout to save!
43:11 - Sponsor - Visit and get the professional faith-based counseling that you need.
44:15 - Interview
46:32 - Why Was Every Moment Holy Written?
52:13 - Why Pray Prayers Someone Else Wrote?
58:36 - What Prayers Made it Into the Book?
1:06:21 - How Is Every Moment Holy Used?
1:16:30 - End Credits
Links Mentioned in the News Segment: Orcas Wearing Fish Hats:
“Late Great Planet Earth” Author Passes Away:
Sales of Bibles Are Booming:
Other resources: Every Moment Holy -
Holy Post website:
Holy Post Plus:
Holy Post Patreon:
Holy Post Merch Store:
The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.