Wed, 3 May 2023
Many Christians in America simply assume that Jesus could return at any moment, that believers will be raptured in the twinkling of an eye, that the state of Israel has a special role in the End Times, and that the church should just save souls and stay out of politics. In Part 1 of an interview about this new book, historian Daniel G. Hummel explains to Phil how this rapture theology isn’t rooted in church history, but was invented by a British layman less than 200 years ago. And why it was embraced by American pastors during the Civil War who wanted to avoid talking about slavery, race, and reconstruction. Also this week—paganism is on the rise. Who is really killing public schools? And women will win the battle of the sexes in 4.6 million years.
Patreon Bonus: Christian Asks - What Happens to Non-Christians When They Die?
Defined Terms to Know for This Week’s Interview
Millennium - The thousand year reign of Christ described in Revelation 20:1-8. There are basically three understandings of this:
Eschatology - The study of the end times - how history will end and Christ will come back to establish his eternal kingdom
Ecclesiology - the study of the church - its mission and structure as well as its place in God’s overall plan for the world
0:00 - Intro
3:11 - Theme Song
3:33 - Sponsor: Hiya Health Go to to receive 50% off your first order
4:41 - The end of men?
13:48 - Dawn of the new pagans
32:52 - Public vs Private vs Homeschool Debate
Sponsors 53:50 - Sponsor: Faithful Counseling Get 10% off your first month at Faithful
54:55 - Sponsor: World Relief Join the Path and have your donation matched -
55:46 - Interview Intro Daniel Hummel -
1:03:50 - Who is John Darby?
1:14:21- Dispensationalism advanced by the Civil War and Dwight Moody
1:35:21 - End Credits
Links mentioned in news segment:
Scientists divided over what will happen to men as Y chromosome is disappearing
Dawn of the new pagans: ‘Everybody’s welcome – as long as you keep your clothes on!’
How school choice drives America’s people of faith apart
Other resources: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism: How the Evangelical Battle over the End Times Shaped a Nation by Daniel Hummel
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