The Holy Post

Calvin University history professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez joins Skye Jethani to discuss her bestselling book, “Jesus & John Wayne.” In this episode, they examine why white evangelicalism left behind some of its militant rhetoric after the Cold War ended in the early 1990s to embrace a kinder, gentler approach epitomized by the Promise Keepers movement, and how an aggressive vision of Christian masculinity returned after September 11, 2001. Plus, why an emphasis on racial reconciliation ultimately doomed Promise Keepers, and how other ministries learned to avoid any talk about race or justice.

Part 1 - Promise Keepers and Therapeutic Christianity
Part 2 - Servant Leaders and Racial Reconciliation (15:36)
Part 3 - Purity Culture and Fragile Masculinity (32:47)
Part 4 - 9/11 and the Neo-Calvinists (48:38)

Jesus & John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation

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