The Holy Post

David French has just returned from Ukraine where he saw the devastating impact of the Russian invasion. He talks to Skye about the resilience of the Ukrainian people, the need for more American support, and how a Trump victory in 2024 is part of Putin’s war plan. Then, the Supreme Court appears likely to rule against colleges and universities that consider race in the admission process. What are the arguments for and against Affirmative Action, and how will the court’s decision reverberate beyond higher education?

0:00 - Theme Song


0:17 - Why there is not more U.S. support of Ukraine


20:35 - David’s experience in Kyiv


33:37 - Sponsor - Hiya Health

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 34:44 - Sponsor - Magic Spoon

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36:22 - Harvard Affirmative Action Case in the Supreme Court


45:45 - Previous Affirmative Action cases


58:49 - End Credits


Links mentioned in interview


Why Ukraine Needs Those F-16s


I Just Arrived in Kyiv. The Ukrainian Valor Is Breathtaking.


Other resources:

David French:


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CDT